The 15th anniversary of the Basque Research Centers BCAM, BC3, and BCBL brings science closer to more than 700 people through leisure-oriented outreach

  • Students and citizens had the opportunity to enjoy activities focused on climate change, mathematics, and neuroscience in Bilbao and Donostia during two days filled with fun at a science fair for everyone

BCAM, in collaboration with the Basque Centre for Climate Change (BC3) and the Basque Center on Cognition, Brain, and Language (BCBL), organized a science fair for the first time to commemorate its 15th anniversary on December 1st and 15th in Bilbao and Donostia.

With a focus on outreach through leisure, over 700 people – students and citizens– could enjoy two participative days (December 1st in Bilbao and December 15th in Donostia) to casually explore topics such as climate change, mathematics, and neuroscience.

Both days were divided in two parts: in the mornings, activities were dedicated to students; in the afternoons, there were proposals designed for all audiences, featuring activities such as 'Topology through the Möbius strip', 'Mathematics on paper,' or a corner dedicated to the brain.

The Bilbao event kicked off the fair on the morning of December 1st with activities designed for 6th-grade students from Urretxindorra Ikastola, providing them with an opportunity to approach science through entertaining workshops.

In the afternoon, the fair landed in Azkuna Zentroa – Alhóndiga Bilbao, where, with full capacity, 180 people could get to know the three research centers through workshops and short conferences such as '7 Minutes through Infinity,' 'Climate Change and Decarbonization of the Economy,' or 'Brain Plasticity in Visual Impairment.' The day ended with a magic show for everyone.

On December 15th, it was Donostia's turn. This time, the participating educational institutions were Axular Lizeoa and Amara Berri Eskola, with a total of 210 participants.

Afternoon activities filled Tabakalera, where 200 people had the opportunity to learn and have fun with recreational math workshops, word games, or drawing their dream city of the future. The day concluded with a very special storytelling session.

The three centers thus enjoyed an initiative that, framed within the celebration of their 15th anniversary, achieved its goal: to disseminate and bring science to the public in a playful, open, and participatory manner.