Color image processing for cinema and photography

Date: Wed, Nov 27 - Fri, Nov 29 2013

Hour: 10:30

Speakers: Marcelo Bertalmio, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain

Profesor: Marcelo Bertalmio

Nov 27: 15:00 - 18:00
Nov 28: and Nov 29 10:30 - 13:30.

Title: Color image processing for cinema and photography


This short course presents some state-of-the-art techniques for color correction and color enhancement with application to cinema and still photography. As an introduction we will start by reviewing some basic concepts on colorimetry and color perception, and next we will present how digital cameras work and in particular how they perform color correction. The problem of white balance will be discussed considering both computational color constancy and Retinex-like approaches. We will detail recent variational formulations for color processing, with applications to color enhancement, tone mapping of high dynamic range images, color transfer and gamut mapping. Finally, we will propose novel ways to perform a perceptual color characterization of a camera, and to optimize any given tone mapping operator with respect to a perceptual metric.


Nov 27. Basic concepts of colorimetry and color perception. The color correction pipeline in a digital camera. White balance and computational color constancy. The Retinex theory of color vision.

Nov 28. Variational methods for color and contrast enhancement. Connections with Retinex. Applications to tone mapping of high dynamic range images.

Nov 29. Variational methods for color transfer. Perceptually based gamut mapping. Perceptual color characterization of a camera. Optimization of tone mapping operators.



Confirmed speakers:

Marcelo Bertalmio, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain