Legal notice

General information of the website owner

ASOC. BCAM - BASQUE CENTER FOR APPLIED MATHEMATICS, a company with registered offices at ALAMEDA DE MAZARREDO 14 - 48009 BILBAO (BIZKAIA), registered in the Register of Associations of the Basque Country, registry AS/B/14205/2009, with Tax ID No.: G95543526 (hereinafter, the Company) is the owner of this website located in the domain

Access, browsing and use of this website are free, provided that the User complies with the terms of this Legal Notice, current legislation, good customs, and generally accepted behaviour on the Internet. A User is any person who accesses this website. By accessing the website or any of the pages that can be accessed through it, the User expressly declares that they have read, understood and accept this “Legal Notice”. If you do not agree to the following terms and conditions, please refrain from using the website,

The Company reserves the right to restrict access to the website to those users who do not respect them.


ASOC. BCAM - BASQUE CENTER FOR APPLIED MATHEMATICS is exempt from any type of responsibility derived from the information published on this website when it has been manipulated or introduced by a third party without the express authorisation of the Responsible Party.

Personal data    

The Company will only have the personal data of those users who voluntarily wish to provide it through the website through the mechanisms established for this purpose.

Users who freely, affirmatively and voluntarily communicate their personal data to the Company through the procedures established on this website expressly authorise the Company to process them for the aforementioned purpose, in accordance with the legislation in force at any given time on personal data and information society services. Users who do not authorise the processing of their data will not receive any communication from the Company, and all communications they receive will be immediately deleted, classifying them as erroneously received communications.

Any User may at any time exercise the data protection rights granted to them by law by sending an e-mail to You may also contact the aforementioned e-mail address to request further information about them.

The personal data communicated by the User freely, affirmatively and voluntarily to the Company may be stored in automated databases, without automated decisions being applied to them, whose ownership corresponds exclusively to the Company, which assumes all the technical, organisational and security measures that guarantee the confidentiality, integrity and quality of the information contained therein in accordance with the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 of 27 April, its related Guidelines and Organic Law 3/2018 of 6 December. The conservation of the data is indefinite and may be revoked through the channels provided for this purpose.

Communication between users and the Company does not use a secure channel, and the data transmitted is not encrypted. Users are, therefore, requested to refrain from sending any personal data that deserves to be considered specially protected in the terms indicated by the General Regulations and other legal regulations in force on the matter, as the security measures applicable to a non-secure channel make it inadvisable.

Personal data voluntarily communicated by the User will be used only for the specific purpose for which they were collected and of which the User is expressly informed at the time of collection in this Privacy Policy.

Legal Regulations

This “Legal Notice”, as well as the rest of this website, has been created in accordance with the applicable legislation, in particular, the Protection of Personal Data and Law 34/2002 of 11 July, on Information Society Services and electronic commerce, and may be reviewed and amended at any time to adapt to any changes in the legislation in force. In this case, the new content will be applicable from the moment the modification is published on the website. It will be accessible to the Users of the Website.

Use of the Website, including access by Users and browsing through it, is free but implies express acceptance and compliance with the “Legal Notice” of this Website and the applicable Spanish legislation.

Link policy

The Company is not responsible for the content of the web pages that the User can access through this website. If the User considers that any of the links published on this website redirect to inappropriate content, please inform us through the means indicated in this Legal Notice.