View all Working groups Seminars Courses Workshops Conferences Congresses Colloquiums Dissemination Others Past events February, 12:00am 26, 12:00am 2010, 12:00am Workshops BCAM / Bizkaia : Xede Workshop Challenges in fluid mechanics and scientific computing in industry February 26 2010 Workshops BCAM / Bizkaia : Xede Workshop Challenges in fluid mechanics and scientific computing in industry Jean Claude Aandre, Alejandro Moreno December 04 2009 Workshops BCAM - CICbioGUNE Workshop on Cell Population Dynamics María del Mar Vivanco, Robert Kypta, Anna Marciniak Czochra, Tomás Alarcón, Philipp Getto December, 12:00am 04, 12:00am 2009, 12:00am Workshops BCAM - CICbioGUNE Workshop on Cell Population Dynamics October, 12:00am 28, 12:00am 2009, 12:00am Workshops BCAM - EHU/UPV - Robotiker/Tecnalia Joint Workshop on NETWORKS October 28 2009 Workshops BCAM - EHU/UPV - Robotiker/Tecnalia Joint Workshop on Networks P. Jacko, M. Verloop U. Ayesta/ F. Liberal, A. Ferro / J.M. Cabero, J. del Ser, I. Olabarrieta August 23 2009 Workshops Partial differential equations, optimal design and numerics (III edition) - Benasque'09 http:/ August, 12:00am 23, 12:00am 2009, 12:00am Workshops Partial differential equations, optimal design and numerics (III edition) - Benasque'09 July, 12:00am 02, 12:00am 2009, 12:00am Workshops BCAM-CIM Workshop 2009, Bilbao July 02 2009 Workshops BCAM-CIM Workshop 2009, Bilbao José Miguel Uurbano, Enrique Zuazua June 24 2009 Workshops Workshop MTM2008-03541 Enrique Zuazua Carlos Castro,Francisco Palacios, Aurorara Marica, Aldo Pratelli, Alfonso Bueno, Miguel Escobedo,Cristian Cazacu, Xu Zhang,Liviu Ignat, Blanca Ayuso,Iñaki Garay, Peicheng Zhu, Vincent Lescarret June, 12:00am 24, 12:00am 2009, 12:00am Workshops Workshop MTM2008-03541 May, 12:00am 11, 12:00am 2009, 12:00am Workshops CICBIOGUNE/BCAM JOINT WORKSHOP, Scientific Organizers: José M. MATO, Enrique ZUAZUA May 11 2009 Workshops Cicbiogune/BCAM joint workshop José M. Mato, Enrique uazua July 08 2019 Workshops Dirac Eguna: Mathematical Physics María Jesús Esteban and Michael Loss Pagination First page « First Previous page ‹ Previous Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Current page 6