Joint Research Labs
Severo Ochoa Strategic Labs
This initiative is part of the actions promoted by BCAM thanks to the accreditation of "Severo Ochoa Centre of Excellence" granted by the Ministry of Science and Innovation through the State Research Agency and that BCAM has for the period 2014-2022.
- To promote collaborative research on hot topics such as machine learning methods and PDEs, Elliptic and Dispersive PDEs and their relation with Geometry and Fluid Mechanics, and thus strengthen the center's research areas and generate synergies.
- To contribute to BCAM projects on mathematical modelling applied to health.
- Explore the connection between pure/applied mathematics and new research topics in collaboration with BCAM research areas.
- Strengthen contacts within the international scientific community.
- To provide specialized training to the members of the center.
This program highlights the importance of international collaboration between research centers and universities, as well as the strengthening that this can mean for the center’s lines of research and its international positioning. The agreement will materialize through different activities such as the joint supervision of postdoctoral researchers or visits to the center and joint participation in scientific activities.
Joint Research Lab U. Sussex
The “BCAM Severo Ochoa Strategic Lab on Trustworthy Machine Learning” is held together with Prof. Novi Quadrianto at the University of Sussex.
Lab on Trustworthy Machine Learning: In collaboration with Prof. Novi Quadrianto. Sussex University. ERC Starting grant 2020 on Bayesian Models and Algorithms for Fairness and Transparency. The laboratory is co-led by Prof. Jose Antonio Lozano, BCAM Scientific Director who coordinates the area of Data Science and Artificial Intelligence
Joint Research Lab U. Oxford
The “BCAM Severo Ochoa Strategic Lab on Modelling with Partial Differential Equations in Mathematical Biology” is held together with Prof. Jose Antonio Carrillo at Mathematical Institute, Oxford University.
Lab on Modelling with Partial Differential Equations in Mathematical Biology In collaboration with Prof. Jose Antonio Carrillo. Mathematical Institute Oxford University. ERC Advanced Grant 2019 on nonlocal PDEs for complex particle dynamics: phase transitions, patterns and synchronization. The laboratory is co-led by Prof. Elena Akhmatskaya, Ikerbasque Professor at BCAM who coordinates the area of mathematical modelling with multidisciplinary applications.
Joint Research Lab ETHZ Zurich
Lab on Analysis of PDEs: In collaboration with Prof. Joaquim Serra. ETH Zurich. ERC Starting grant 2020 on Stable Interfaces: phase transitions, minimal surfaces, and free boundaries. The laboratory is co-led by Prof. Luis Vega, coordinator of the APDE research area.
Joint Research Lab Rényi Institute and KU Leuven
The “BCAM Severo Ochoa Strategic Lab on Singularity Theory” is held together with Prof. Andras Némethi (Renyi Institute Budapest), Prof. Duco van Straten (Mainz University) Prof. Nero Budur (KU Leuven). The laboratory is co-led by Prof. Javier Fernández de Bobadilla, Ikerbasque Professor at BCAM and research area coordinator of Mathematical Physics.
Joint Research Labs
Joint Research Laboratory on Offshore Renewable Energy (Tecnalia-UPV-BCAM)
The Joint Research Laboratory on Offshore Renewable Energy is composed of researchers from TECNALIA, BCAM and UPV/EHU.
The launch of the JRL-ORE seeks to strengthen the research links between the parties in order to take advantage of synergies between them and to reach critical masses in the agreed scientific and technological areas. It aims to increase the level of the research results in terms of their impact in the business world and society in general.

Joint Research Laboratory on Artificial Intelligence (Tecnalia-UPV-BCAM)
The Joint Research Lab team is composed of fully collaborative and open-minded researchers. We welcome new ideas on topics related with our fields of knowledge, and, of course, we are also looking forward to deal and tackle new research problems and fields. It does not matter if your work is related with transport, data science, industry, energy, architecture... or even agriculture or special engineering! It does not mind if your intention is to develop a theoretical or applied research.

Transmath - Transborder Laboratory for Mathematics and its Applications
The Laboratories for Trans-border Cooperation (LTCs) are a formula for collaboration that have been developed since 2015 in the frame of the Campus Euskampus-Bordeaux. LTCs were created to provide an institutional framework for research teams from the Basque country and from Bordeaux working together. This framework supports trans-border research communities, which involve young and senior researchers, students, and technicians that can move from one lab to the other without boundaries and share a common vision and action agendas. TRANSMATH is a project created in 2017 for mathematics to work in the specific subject of:
a) Cutting edge research in the classical fields of mathematics: Geometry, Algebra, Analysis of PDEs, etc.
b) Modeling and simulation, in particular in the applications to environment and health related issues.
c) Data Science.