17th Math Colloquium BCAM-UPV/EHU

Fecha: Mié, Nov 6 2024

Hora: 11:45-14:00

Ubicación: Sala Aketxe - Edificio Sede at UPV/EHU Leioa

Ponentes: María Ángeles Gil (Oviedo University, Spain) and Virginia Kiryakova (Bulgarian Academy of Science, Bulgaria)

We are glad to announce that the 17th Math Colloquium BCAM-UPV/EHU will take place on Wednesday, November 6, at 11:45 (CET) at “Sala Aketxe” of Edificio Sede (BCAM) at UPV/EHU in Leioa.

Lunch will be offered at the end.

This event, organized together with the Mathematics Department of UPV/EHU, aims to bring the whole mathematical community to Bilbao. It consists of two interesting talks for a general mathematical audience, followed by a lunch, to which all participants are invited. The activity will only take place face-to-face. 

Below you can see the schedule for the colloquium:

11:45-12:45 | María Ángeles Gil: Statistical analysis of fuzzy data with applications to problems involving human judgments

In her presentation, she will provide an overview of a mathematically rigorous methodology for the statistical analysis of fuzzy-valued data, developed by SMIRECODIRE. This methodology integrates the foundational ideas of Maurice R. Fréchet concerning random elements with concepts from Lotfi A. Zadeh’s fuzzy set theory. The talk will cover various applications of the developed methods, including a functional characterisation of the distribution of a real-valued random variable, offering an enhancement compared to existing approaches. Additionally, real-world applications will be discussed, such as the design and analysis of responses from multiple questionnaires and methods for robust aggregation of expert valuations in the context of Risk Analysis, particularly in relation to Dam Safety Management.

13:00-14:00 | Virginia Kiryakova: Fractional Calculus Based on Special Functionals - I did it my way

There was a legend about the three whales on whom the Earth rests … For my research studies for about 50 years, such 3 “whales” happened to be Integral Transforms (IT), Special Functions (SF) and Fractional Calculus (FC). Their successful combination led me to a Generalized Fractional Calculus (GFC) and to new classes of special functions called Special Functions of Fractional Calculus (SF of FC). In this talk I will try to survey in popular manner the way this happened, or how “I did it my way”. I was to start with a MSc thesis on the IT of Obrechkoff, a very far generalization of the Laplace and Meijer integral transforms, that was to serve for an operational calculus related to higher integer order singular differential operators called hyper-Bessel operators. But occasionally, I came across the classical handbook “Higher Transcendental Functions” of 1954 (eds. A. Erdélyi et al., based on notes left by Harry Bateman). It happened that the kernel functions of the mentioned IT and of the fractional powers of the hyper-Bessel operators can be represented as two different cases of the Meijer G-function. This was the hint to introduce and develop a theory of Generalized Fractional Calculus operators with Meijer G- and Fox H-functions that proved to have a wide range of applications. Then, my increased interest to these SF and in particular, to the Fox-Wright generalized hypergeometric functions resulted in introduction of the multi-index counterparts of the Mittag-Leffler and Le Roy functions, their detailed theory and examples, all these classified as SF of FC.



Department of Mathematics (UPV/EHU) and BCAM. 

Ponentes confirmados:

  • María Ángeles Gil (Oviedo University, Spain)
  • Virginia Kiryakova (Bulgarian Academy of Science, Bulgaria)

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