BCAM-UPV/EHU Seminars on Applied Statistics: Cluster of trajectories of airborne microorganisms susceptible to colonize Antarctic soils in a climate change scenario

Fecha: Vie, Mayo 18 2018

Hora: 13:00

Ponentes: Ana Justel

The Applied Statistic Group of BCAM- Basque Center for Applied Mathematics and the
UPV/EHU Departments of Applied Economics III (Econometrics and Statistics) and Applied Mathematics, Statistics and Operations Research are happy to announce the next seminar on Applied Statistics.

The seminar is aimed towards a general audience. We would like to encourage anyone interested in Science, in general, and Statistics, in particular, to join us. We are looking forward to seeing you. 

Location: BCAM, Beta 1

About the speaker:
Ana Justel is an associate professor in Statistics in the Department of Mathematics at the Autonomous University of Madrid. Her research has a markedly multidisciplinary character, with contributions in mathematical and computational Statistics, as well as in Biology, Ecology and Economics. Ana Justel's research aims to find solutions to complex statistical problems, such as the development of Bayesian procedures for the detection of masked outliers or cluster methods for time series, among others. She has published more than 50 scientific and dissemination papers. She is currently co-principal investigator of the MICROAIRPOLAR Antarctic Research Project, funded by the State Research Agency (AEI). For 15 years, she has participated in the design of the experiments and data collection of seven campaigns of the Spanish Antarctic Program at the Byers International Camp and BIO Hesp�rides. She has carried out research and teaching stays at several international universities, including Duke University (USA), Universit� Paris-Dauphine (France) and Universit� Catholique de Louvain (Belgium).

Poster and abstract


Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

Ponentes confirmados:

Ana Justel