Fecha: Jue, Jun 8 - Vie, Jun 9 2023

Ubicación: Maryan Mirzakhani Seminar Room, BCAM

DATE: 8-9 June 2023
LOCATION: Maryan Mirzakhani Seminar Room, BCAM

Registration will be available here.

Website of the event here

Data Science is an interdisciplinary science involving mathematics, statistics, computer science and domain-specific research. A number of challenges in many research fields require new approaches to data analysis, algorithms and technological advances to support the new era of digitalization. BiDAS (Bilbao workshop in Data Science) is an event devoted to discussing recent advances in aspects related to Data Science, an interdisciplinary field about processes and systems that aims to extract knowledge or insights from data in various forms. The workshop is addressed to applied mathematicians, computer scientists, statisticians, and any other scientists such as ecologists, applied biologists, bio-medicine scientists, economics and social sciences researchers and practitioners from industry or public institutions to share information, knowledge and stimulate the interaction in areas of the common interest. Special attention is given to PhD students and Postdocs. They will have the opportunity to present their research along with distinguished international invited speakers, other research scientists and professors.

This will be the fifth edition of BiDAS at BCAM headquarters. The event is back after a break due to the extraordinary COVID-19 circumstances. The first BiDAS was held on December 19th-20th, 2016 the Second BiDAS was held on November 17th-18th, 2017, the third edition on November 8th-9th, 2018 and the Fourth BiDAS on November 7th-8th. Visit the previous BiDAS webpages at BiDAS 2016, BiDAS 2017, BiDAS 2018, BiDAS 2019.

The number of participants has increased from 50 in the first edition to 75 in the last. We aim to maintain a number of 75 participants for the fourth edition.

The organization of the workshop will be as follows. A total of five sessions will be organized in a two day workshop. For each session a keynote speaker from internationally recognized institutions in Europe will deliver a 1 hour talk on a topic followed by two invited talks of 30 minutes each. The scientific committee will encourage early stage researchers such as Master, PhD. Students and postdocs to submit a short abstract for poster presentations. The poster session (up to 10 posters) will be held on Thursday 8th in the evening. 

Scientific Committee:
Ander Carreño (BCAM)
Fernando García (BCAM)
Paula Gordaliza (BCAM)
Hristo Inhouze (BCAM)
Jose Antonio Lozano (BCAM - UPV/EHU)

Organizing Committee:
Ander Carreño (BCAM)
Fernando García (BCAM)
Paula Gordaliza (BCAM)
Hristo Inhouze (BCAM)

Jesse Read, École Polytechnique (France)
Dae-Jin Lee, IE University (España)
Alicia Troncoso, Universidad de Pablo Olavide (España)
María José del Jesus, Universidad de Jaén (España)
Dolores Romero Morales, Copenhagen Business School (Dinamarca)
Emilio Carrizosa, Universidad de Sevilla (España)
Manuel Gomez Rodriguez, Max Planck Institute for Software Systems (Germany)
Jerónimo Hernández-Gonzalez, Universidad de Barcelona (España)
María Dolores Ugarte, Universidad Pública de Navarra (España)
Rosa Elvira Lillo, Universidad Carlos 3 de Madrid (España)
María Xosé (Coté) Rodríguez, Universidad de Vigo (España)
Jean-Michel Loubes, Universidad de Toulouse (Francia)
Eustasio del Barrio, Universidad de Valladolid (España)
Jose Ramón Berrendero, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (España)
Annalisa Appice, University of Bari Aldo Moro (Italy)