Doctoral Conference: Perspectives for Research in Mathematics

Fecha: Mié, Nov 15 2023

Hora: 9:45 to 19:30

Ubicación: Pamplona, Navarra (Spain)

Ponentes: Juan Antonio Cuesta (University of Cantabria), Eva Gallardo (President of the Spanish Royal Mathematical Society), María Jesús Carro (Vicepresident of the Spanish Mathematical Committee), Francisco Martín (President of the Mathematics panel of the Research State Agency), ANECA representative: TBD, Lola Ugarte (Director of the INAMAT2): moderator.

INAMAT2 and BCAM together with EDONA are organising this doctoral conference which will take place on 15 November from 9:45 to 19:30 in the Nicolás García de los Salmones lecture hall, on the first floor of the Los Olivos building.

Registration is compulsory at the following link: DOCTORAL CONFERENCE

Registration deadline: 22 October 2023. 


  1. The conference may be extended until 16 November depending on the number of requests for papers from trainees.
  2. Trainees attending will be credited with 1 equivalent hour of training (hef) and those presenting will be credited with an additional 4 hef.
  3. Travel grants for trainees can be requested at the following form:


This is a doctoral conference prior to the Biennial Congress of the Spanish Royal Mathematical Society 2024, to be held in Pamplona from 22 to 26 January 2024. Through the presentation of works by research staff in training, it will give visibility to research in mathematics in the interuniversity doctorate in Mathematics and Statistics.



Ponentes confirmados:

Juan Antonio Cuesta (University of Cantabria)

Eva Gallardo (President of the Spanish Royal Mathematical Society)

María Jesús Carro (Vicepresident of the Spanish Mathematical Committee)

Francisco Martín (President of the Mathematics panel of the Research State Agency)

ANECA representative: TBD 

Lola Ugarte (Director of the INAMAT2): moderator