École des mines de Paris visits BCAM

Fecha: Mar, Oct 14 2014

Hora: 10:00

Ponentes: Lorea Gómez, Alejandro Pozo, Binh Tran-Minh, Mario Morales-Hernández

École des Mines de Paris visits bcam

October 14, 10:00-12:30 

BCAM-Basque Center for Applied Mathematics, Mazarredo 14, Bilbao, Basque Country, Spain

BCAM welcomes a group of third year students of L'école des Mines de Paris, "MAREVA: Mathámatiques Appliquées RobotiquE Vision Automatique" option, for a brief presentation of the center, and learn about the research topics and perspectives in the area of Partial Differential Equations, Control and Numerics. Young research fellows working in the ERC Advanced Grant NUMERIWAVES will present their work and its connections with industry and other disciplines.

This visit is part of the dissemination activities of the PDE team within the ERC Advanced Grant NUMERIWAVES, coordinated by Enrique ZUAZUA. 

For further information: Magaly Roldán-Plumey, BCAM Outreach Manager, roldan@bcamath.org


BCAM-Basque Center for Applied Mathematics, Bilbao, Basque Country - Spain

Ponentes confirmados:


10:15- 10:30 Lorea Gómez, BCAM General Manager
Institutional Presentation of BCAM

10:30 - 10:50 Alejandro Pozo, Ph.D. Student- (BFI EJ-GV 2010)  

Arrive before leaving

Traveling as fast as possible has always been one of the greatest wishes of humanity. We are still far from developing time machines and teleporters, so in the meantime aeronautical research is focused on building supersonic civilian aircrafts. In the 60s and 70s there were several attempts to create such planes, the Concorde being the most successful one. Why did they all failed sooner or later? In this talk we will go through this bumpy ride and discover how mathematics can help to solve the main problem of supersonic transports.

10:50-11:10 Binh Tran-Minh, Postdoc Fellow, ERC-NUMERIWAVES 
- tbinh@bcamath.org

The mathematical connection of fusion power and aerospace engineering

Fusion power is the energy generated by nuclear fusion processes. Controlled fusion is one of the major challenges of the 21st century that can answer the need for a long term source of energy that does not accumulate wastes and is safe. The nuclear fusion reaction is based on the fusion of atoms like atoms of deuterium and tritium. This reaction does not produce long-term radioactive wastes, unlike todays nuclear power plants which are based on nuclear fission.

Aerospace Engineering is the primary branch of engineering concerned with the research, design, development, construction, testing, science and technology of aircraft and spacecraft.

In this talk, we will see how these two faraway fields of technology could be unified through one mathematical model.

11:10 -11:30 Mario Morales-Hernandez, Postdoc Fellow  

Maths and Environmental problems: solving PDE's for realistic applications

Computational Hydraulics is concerned with the study of free surface flow dynamics using numerical solutions of non-linear equations that are assumed to govern the involved physical processes. The fluid movement is modeled by fundamental conservation laws that can be expressed in mathematical terms in the form of systems of Partial Differential Equations (PDE's). The main focus will be put on solving correctly and efficiently these systems of PDE's using numerical methods that approximate faithfully the behavior of the phenomena that are taking place. Not only flooding events but also environmental problems such as the transport of contaminants, the break of a mining waste reservoir or even landslides can be simulated. Therefore, most of the natural disasters related to this kind of problems may be prevented or at least minimized with the help of numerical methods and computers.

The content of this work is a summary of the PhD thesis done by the speaker at the GHC group of University of Zaragoza, Zaragoza, Spain