First Bilbao Data Science Workshop

Fecha: Lun, Dic 19 - Mar, Dic 20 2016

Hora: 09:30

Ubicación: BCAM-Basque Center for Applied Mathematics, Mazarredo 14, Bilbao, Basque Country, Spain

Ponentes: Humberto Bustince, Joao Gama, Iñaki Inza Yvan Saeys, Javier del Ser, Jacobo de Uña, Inmaculada Arostegui, Gonzalo Artiach, Irantzu Barrio, Borja Calvo, Isabel Casas, Carlos Cernuda, Leire Citores, Carmen Ana Domínguez, Javier Fernández...

First Bilbao Data Science Workshop

BCAM-Basque Center for Applied Mathematics, Mazarredo 14, Bilbao, Basque Country, Spain

December 19-20, 2016

Data Science and Big Data are two key areas for positive interdisciplinary science involving applied mathematics, statistics and computer science. A number of challenges in all those three areas of research require new approaches to support the big data era. BiDAS (Bilbao DAta Science) workshop is the first event at BCAM focused on attracting researchers in a variety of fields involving Data Science research.

The tentative list of topics are:

* Learning from massive data and predictive modelling
* Classification methods
* Scalable and incremental algorithms for real-time analysis and
* Machine Learning based on Big Data
* Industrial applications
* High-dimensional Statistics
* Economics and Time series
* Biostatistics

Keynote speakers:

* Humberto BUSTINCE (Public University of Navarra, Spain)
* Joao GAMA (University of Porto, Portugal)
* Iñaki INZA (UPV/EHU, Spain)
* Yvan SAEYS (University of Ghent, Belgium)
* Javier del SER (TECNALIA & BCAM & UPV/EHU, Spain)
* Jacobo de UÑA (University of Vigo, Spain)

Confirmed speakers:

* Inmaculada AROSTEGUI (UPV/EHU, Department of Applied Mathematics,
Statistics and Operations Research, Spain & BCAM)
* Gonzalo ARTIACH (Decidata, Sapin)
* Irantzu BARRIO (UPV/EHU, Department of Applied Mathematics,
Statistics and Operations Research, Spain)
* Borja CALVO (UPV/EHU, Department of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence, Spain)
* Isabel CASAS (BCAM, Spain)
* Carlos CERNUDA (BCAM, Spain)
* Leire CITORES (BCAM-AZTI, Spain)
* Carmen-Ana DOMÍNGUEZ (BCAM, Spain)
* Javier FERNÁNDEZ (Public University of Navarra, Spain)
* Jerónimo HERNÁNDEZ (UPV/EHU, Department of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence, Spain)
* Gabriel IBARRA (UPV/EHU, Departamento de Ingeniería Nuclear y Mecánica de fluidos, Spain)
* Usue MORI (UPV/EHU, Department of Applied Mathematics,
Statistics and Operations Research, Spain)
* Ander MUNIATEGI (IK4-Lortek, Spain)
* Izaskun OREGUI (Tecnalia, Spain)
* Daniel RODRÍGUEZ (University of Alcala, Spain)
* María Xosé RODRÍGUEZ-ÁLVAREZ (BCAM & Ikerbasque, Spain)
* Ari URKULLU (UPV/EHU, Department of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence, Spain)
* Jesus VÁZQUEZ (UPV/EHU, Department of Economics, Spain)

Registration Form

Time schedule

Monday, December, 19th

SESSION #1: On-line Data Mining and Industrial Applications
Moderator: José A. LOZANO

09:30 Invited speaker: "Real-Time Data Mining", Jaao GAMA.
10:30 "Machine Learning and Optimisation in Software Engineering and Viceversa", Daniel RODRÍGUEZ.
10:50 "Main Problems Obtaining Quality Data in Xompany Held Projects: 2 Case-Studies", Gonzalo ARTIACH.
11:10 "Data Analysis in Welding Processes: Towards Monitoring Systems that Can Help in Decision Making", Ander MUNIATEGI.

SESSION #2: Bioinformatics and high-dimensional data
Moderator: Aritz PÉREZ

12:00 Invited speaker: "Trajectory Inference: Reconstructing Cell Developmental Dynamics from High-throughput Single Cell Data", Yvan SAEYS.
13:00 "The NHST Controversy and its Implications in Experimental Data Analysis", Borja CALVO.
13:20 "Alternatives to the Use of Statistical Tests for the Selection of Biomarkers", Ari URKULLU.
13:40 "Feature Subset Selection in Big Data by Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithms2, Carlos CERNUDA.
14:00 Pintxos LUNCH at BCAM

SESSION #3: Data Science and Economy Applications

15:00 Invited speaker: "Pre-Aggregation Functions in Classification Problems", Humberto BUSTINCE.
16:00 "Gravitational Methods in Clustering", Javier FERNÁNDEZ.
16:20 "Time-Varying SURE Estimation of 5 Factor Fame and French Model", Isabel CASAS.
16:40 "Real-Time vs Ex-Post Monetary Policy Evaluation Under Opportunistic Policy", Jesus VÁZQUEZ.

Tuesday, December, 20th

SESSION #4: Data Science in Industry and Ecology
Moderator: Aritz PÉREZ

09:00 Invited speaker: "Data Science: A Great Opportunity for CollaborativeResearch in the Basque Country", Javier del SER.
10:00 "Neural Networks, Som and Machine Learning Techniques Applied to Geophysical Fluids: The Experience of Eolo", Gabriel IBARRA.
10:20 "Statistical Modelling for Fish Meta-Population Management", Leire CITORES.
10:40 "Optimize Black-Box Expensive Functions Using Bayesian Optimization with Batch Acquisition Functions", Carmen-Ana DOMÍNGUEZ.

SESSION #5: Statistics in Clinical Practice
Moderator: Dae-Jin LEE

11:30 Invited speaker: "Sampling Issues in Clinical Survival Analysis", Jacobo de UÑA.
12:30 "Evaluating the Accuracy of Prognostic Biomarkers in the Presence of External Information", María Xosé RODRÍGUEZ ÁLVAREZ
12:50 "Optimal Categorization of Continuous Predictors in Regression Models", Irantzu BARRIO.
13:10 "Validation of Clinical Prediction Rules", Inma AROSTEGUI.
13:30 LUNCH at Kafe Antzokia

SESSION #6: Machine Learning and Time Series
Moderator: Jos" A. LOZANO

15:30 Invited speaker: "Data Mining, a Personal View: Learning Scenarios and Resources", Iñaki INZA.
16:30 "Weak Supervision and Other Non-standard Classification Problems", Jerónimo HERNÁNDEZ.
16:50 "Early Classification of Time Series by Simultaneously Optimizing the Cost of Accuracy and Earliness", Usue MORI.
17:10 "Similarity Measures: Properties and Robustness", Izaskun OREGUI.





Public University of Navarra, Spain, University of Porto, Portugal, UPV/EHU, Spain, University of Ghent, Belgium, TECNALIA & BCAM & UPV/EHU, Spain, University of Vigo, Spain, UPV/EHU, Department of Applied Mathematics, Statistics and Operations Research, Spain, Decidata, Spain, UPV/EHU, Department of Applied Mathematics, Statistics and Operations Research, Spain, UPV/EHU, Department of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence, Spain, BCAM, Bilbao, Spain, BCAM, Department of Computer Science

Ponentes confirmados:

Humberto Bustince, Joao Gama, Iñaki Inza Yvan Saeys, Javier del Ser, Jacobo de Uña, Inmaculada Arostegui, Gonzalo Artiach, Irantzu Barrio, Borja Calvo, Isabel Casas, Carlos Cernuda, Leire Citores, Carmen Ana Domínguez, Javier Fernández, Jerónimo Hernández, Gabriel Ibarra, Usue Mori, Ander Muniategi, Izaskun Oregui, Daniel Rodríguez, María Xosé Rodríguez Álvarea, Ari Urkullu, Jesus Vázquez