Internal Waves in the Ocean

Fecha: Mar, Oct 13 2009

Hora: 12:30

Ubicación: Bizkaia Technology Park, Building 500 E-48160 DERIO - Basque Country- Spain

Ponentes: Ricardo Barros

Large amplitude oceanic internal waves are ubiquitous phenomena that despite being known for centuries, have only been recently the subject of scientific studies. They manifest on the surface of the sea by long isolated stripes of highly agitated features that are defined as audibly breaking waves and white water. These waves have amplitudes that can exceed 80 m, wavelengths of order of km, and move with speeds of order of 1 m/s. They are believed to be responsible for a significant fraction of the mixing that must exist to maintain the observed ocean circulation, and might even contribute to the shaping of the continental slopes. We will show how analytical models can be used to understand this phenomenon.

Ponentes confirmados:

Ricardo Barros