An introduction to the Finite Element Method

Fecha: Lun, Mayo 27 - Vie, Mayo 31 2013

Hora: 09:00

Ponentes: Sergey Korotov, BCAM-Basque Center for Applied Mathematics

This course will be devoted to several topics under current active research in the finite element (FE) analysis. Inspite the fact that the FEM theory was quite well established already three decades ago, appearing new applications and fast growing capabilities of modern computers permanently force practitioners and researchers to look again and again at various (practical and theoterical) aspects of this powerful computational technique, especially at those associated with 3 (and higher-dimensional) problems.



Korotov 2013 05 27 Lect 1

Korotov 2013 05 28 Lect 2

Korotov 2013 05 29 Lect 3-1

Korotov 2013 05 29 Lect 3-2

Korotov 2013 05 30 Lect 4-1

Korotov 2013 05 29 Lect 4-2

Korotov 2013 05 31 Lect 5-1

Korotov 2013 05 31 Lect 5-2



Ponentes confirmados:

Sergey Korotov, BCAM-Basque Center for Applied Mathematics