Joint BCAM-UPV/EHU Analysis and PDE seminar: Anderson localization and regularity of the integrated density of states for random Dirac operators

Fecha: Jue, Feb 4 2021

Ponentes: Sylvain Zalczer

Originally coming from the relativistic quantum theory, the Dirac operator is a first-order differential operator which is of great interest in the study of graphene models. After having introduced these models, I will focus on the case of disordered graphene, which is modeled by a random operator. I will prove that we still have the well-known property of disordered system called "Anderson localization", which is the fact that a conducting material becomes an insulator. In a last part, I will deal with the regularity of the integrated density of states for the same model.

This is a joint work with J.-M. Barbaroux and H. D. Cornean.

Link to the session:

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Ponentes confirmados:

Sylvain Zalczer