Joint BCAM-UPV/EHU Analysis and PDE seminar: Fourier decay of self-similar measures on the complex plane

Fecha: Jue, Sep 29 2022

Hora: 17:00

Ubicación: UPV/EHU room to be announced

Ponentes: Carolina Mosquera

LOCATION: UPV/EHU room to be announced

We prove that the Fourier transform of self-similar measures on the complex plane has fast decay outside of a very sparse set of frequencies, with quantitative estimates, extending the results obtained in the real line by R. Kaufman. Also we derive several applications concerning correlation dimension and Frostman exponent of complex Bernoulli convolutions. Furthermore, we present a generalisation for a particular case on Rd, with d ≥ 3.

The results are based on a joint work with Andrea Olivo.

More info at


Universidad de Buenos Aires and IMAS-CONICET

Ponentes confirmados:

Carolina Mosquera