Joint BCAM-UPV/EHU Analysis and PDE seminar: Half-integer planar point defects in nematic liquid crystals: a qualitative study

Fecha: Jue, Mar 18 2021

Hora: 12:00

Ponentes: Arghir Zarnescu


Nematic liquid crystals are precisely the material appearing in liquid crystal displays, televisions and most displays overall. Despite impressive technological applications, the mathematical theories of liquid crystal still present formidable challenges, related to the interactions of topology, analysis and algebra.

Some of most fascinating and challenging aspects of the mathematical theory of liquid crystals concern the defect patterns and the extent to which the mathematical theory is capable of predicting these patterns. We will survey some recent progress in this direction. Half-integer planar point defects in nematic liquid crystals: a qualitative study.

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Ponentes confirmados:

Arghir Zarnescu