Light PhD Seminar: The Hanoi Tower Group

Fecha: Mié, Dic 15 2021

Hora: 17:00

Ubicación: Room 0.23 - Faculty of Science - Campus of Leioa - UPV/EHU and Online

Ponentes: Mikel Eguzki Garciarena Perez

Location: Room 0.23 @ Faculty of Science - Campus of Leioa - UPV/EHU and Online

The Hanoi Tower Group

The Tower of Hanoi is a very well-known mathematical game or puzzle consisting of three rods and a number of disks of various diameters, which can slide onto any rod. In this talk, we will see this problem from a group theoretical point of view. More precisely, first we will present the family of Groups of automorphisms of regular rooted trees, and then we will construct the so-called Hanoi Tower group, which is a concrete example of a group acting on a regular rooted tree. 

Link to the session:
Passcode: 910970

Ponentes confirmados:

Mikel Eguzki Garciarena Perez