Math SOMMa Junior Meeting 2024

Fecha: Mié, Oct 2 - Vie, Oct 4 2024

Hora: TBA

Ubicación: Centre de Recerca Matemàtica, Barcelona

Ponentes: More information on the website

Registro: Link to the website and registration

Deadline for registration, May 12, 2024. 

Registration fee: 145€*

*SOMMa centres have available grants to cover registration costs for their PhD students and postdocs, check with your centre if it applies to you.
**Registration includes lunch and dinner on Thursday, and the Wine & Cheese.



Participants have the option to contribute with a talk or a poster presentation if they wish to do so. To apply, provide the relevant information when applying to participate.

  • Deadline to apply: April 28th, 2024
  • Decisions will be announced by the last week of May 2024

This event is dedicated to early-career researchers, including predoctoral and postdoctoral researchers, and aims to enhance collaboration among the prestigious Severo Ochoa and Maria de Maeztu research institutions in mathematics; the Basque Centre for Applied Mathematics (BCAM)Instituto de Ciencias Matemáticas (ICMAT)Instituto de Matemáticas de la Universidad de Granada (IMAG)Centre Internacional de Mètodes Numèrics a l’Enginyeria (CIMNE), and the Centre de Recerca Matemàtica (CRM).

The diverse program is designed to stimulate intellectual exchange and networking. It features a mix of plenary sessions, contributed talks, and a dynamic poster session. Alongside these, we have planned a series of complementary activities to foster networking and collaboration.

We warmly invite you to be an active participant, whether by presenting your latest research, joining in enriching discussions, or simply immersing yourself in this engaging community.

Join us in Barcelona for an unforgettable experience of learning, collaboration, and growth!


Javier de la Bodega BCAM
Alex Ferrer | CIMNE
María Ángeles García Ferrero | ICMAT
Roser Homs CRM
Anna Jové | UB
Tomás Sanz Perela | UB
Niccolò Tassi | IMAG

Patricio Almirón | IMAG
Paloma Bengoechea | UB-CRM (Chairwoman)
Daniel Eceizabarrena | University of Massachusetts
Mario García Fernández | UAM-ICMAT
Matteo Giacomini | CIMNE
Hristo Inouzhe | BCAM
Tamar Mesablishvili | IMAG
Guillem Perarnau | UPC-CRM
Pedro Tradacete | ICMAT

Ponentes confirmados:

  • The Algebraic PGD Toolbox to optimize the design of a vehicle: progress and challenges - Fabiola Cavaliere SEAT-CIMNE

  • Interactions of homotopy theory and complex geometryJoana Cirici UB-CRM

  • Schur-type multipliers on Schatten-von Neumann classes as singular integral operators - José Manuel Conde UAM-ICMAT

  • On the topology of compact locally homogeneous plane waves - Lilia Mehidi IMAG

  • AI: The mathematics of self-deceptionTomás Teijeiro Campo BCAM