MTB working group: Mathematical models of complex systems

Fecha: Mar, Sep 19 - Mar, Nov 28 2023

Hora: 11:30-18:30

Ubicación: BCAM - Basque Center for Applied Mathematics

Led by Dr. Maíra Aguiar, the working group on Mathematical and Theoretical Biology at BCAM, is a diverse team of researchers including mathematicians, physicists, and biologists, using mathematical and computational techniques to study biological systems and processes. The group's primary focus is on developing and analyzing mathematical models to gain insights into complex biological questions.

The MTB working group explores topics such as disease dynamics, evolutionary biology, immune system function, and ecosystem dynamics. By collaborating with researchers from public and animal health institutions like Osakidetza, Biodonostia, and NEIKER, the group aims to make their theoretical research practical and relevant to health policy, addressing important mathematical problems and fundamental questions in medicine and biology.