+34 946 567 842
+34 946 567 842
Information of interest
Marco Ellero is Ikerbasque Professor of Computational Fluid Dynamics at the Basque Center for Applied Mathematics in Bilbao where he is the main coordinator of the Area “Computational Mathematics” and Head of the research line “CFD: modelling and simulation”. He is also currently Honorary Professor in the Zienkiewicz Centre for Computational Engineering (ZCCE) and Complex Fluids Research Group at Swansea University as well as member of the Institute of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics (INNFM, UK). His research interests deal with the theoretical modelling and numerical simulation of complex fluids, particulate systems and multiscale flow phenomena with particular focus on biofluid mechanics, microfluidics and rheology. The main goal of Prof. Ellero’s work is the development of new models based on Lagrangian multiscale particle-methods and the design of efficient parallel algorithms for the analysis of complex flows.
Marco Ellero studied Physics at the University of Trieste where he received his Diploma (“Laurea”) in 2000. He obtained his PhD (2004) in Theoretical Physics from the Technical University Berlin (Prof. Siegfried Hess). He was ARC Research Associate (2004-2006, School of Mechanical Engineering) at the Sydney University (with Prof. Roger Tanner) and ‘Juan de la Cierva’ Fellow in ‘Complex fluid modelling’ (2007-2008, Institute of Theoretical Physics) at the UNED in Madrid (with Prof. Pep Español). Between 2008 and 2013 he was ‘Emmy-Noether’ Head of the Computational Microfluidics Group at the Institute of Fluid Mechanics (Prof. Nikolaus Adams, Technical University Munich). In 2013 he has been Visiting Academic at the Bioengineering Department (National University Singapore, visiting Prof. Nhan Phan-Thien). In 2014 he received his professorial qualification in Fluid Mechanics from the Technical University Munich (“Habilitation”), from the MIUR Italy (“Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale”) and, in 2018, from the ANECA, Spain (“Acreditacion“). Before to join BCAM in 2018 he was tenured Associate Professor at Swansea University, UK (2013-2018). He has been Principal Investigator of several projects in Germany, UK and Spain. He is/has been lecturing courses on fluid mechanics , thermodynamics and numerical methods at the Technical University Munich (TUM), Swansea University and the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) where he is member of the Doctoral Programme in Engineering Physics.
He serves as referee for many international journals, including Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Journal of Computational Physics, Journal of Chemical Physics, Physical Review E, Soft Matter, Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, Journal of Rheology and Physics of Fluids, as well as in international panels for the management of research and resources, including the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF), Israel Science Foundation (ISF) and Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe (PRACE). Prof. Ellero is member of the European Rheology Society (ERS), Spanish Rheology Society and the European Community on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences (ECCOMAS). He has been also elected member of the International Community for Mesoscopic Methods in Engineering and Science (ICMMES) and in the Scientific Committee of the Joint Research Lab in Offshore Renewable Energy (JRL-ORE) in Spain. Since 2019 is in the Editorial Board of the Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, Physics of Fluids, Journal Fluid Dynamics and Materials Processing as well as, since 2022, in Advances in Computational Science and Engineering (AIMS). He has published 1 edited volume, over 70 papers in international journals and over 30 papers in peer-reviewed conference proceedings.
Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics simulations of integral multi-mode and fractional viscoelastic models
(2024-07-01)To capture specific characteristics of non-Newtonian fluids, during the past years fractional constitutive models have become increasingly popular. These models are able to capture, in a simple and compact way, the complex ...
Numerical simulations of thixotropic semi-solid aluminium alloys in open-rotor and rotor-stator mixers
(2023-09-21)This research uses the Bautista-Manero-Puig (BMP) model to examine flow patterns of semi-solid aluminium alloys (Al) in open-rotor and stator-rotor mixers via numerical solutions. The model captures the distinct ...
Computational Mesoscale Framework for Biological Clustering and Fractal Aggregation
(2023-09-11)Hierarchical clustering due to diffusion and reaction is a widespread occurrence in natural phenomena, displaying fractal behavior with non-integer size scaling. The study of this phenomenon has garnered interest in both ...
Computational modeling of passive transport of functionalized nanoparticles
(2023-03-14)Functionalized nanoparticles (NPs) are complex objects present in a variety of systems ranging from synthetic grafted nanoparticles to viruses. The morphology and number of the decorating groups can vary widely between ...
Tribological variable-friction coefficient models for the simulation of dense suspensions of rough polydisperse particles
(2023-03-01)The rheology of concentrated suspensions of particles is complex and typically exhibits a shear-thickening behavior in the case of repulsive interactions. Despite the recent interest arisen, the causes of the shear-thickening ...
Limited Visual Range in the Social Force Model: Effects on Macroscopic and Microscopic Dynamics
(2023-01-15)The Social Force Model has been widely used to simulate pedestrian dynamics. Its simplicity and ability to reproduce some collective patterns of behavior make it an adequate tool in the field of pedestrian dynamics. However, ...
Non-affine motion and selection of slip coefficient in constitutive modeling of polymeric solutions using a mixed derivative
(2023-01-01)Constitutive models for the dynamics of polymer solutions traditionally rely on closure relations for the extra stress or related microstructural variables (e.g., conformation tensor) linking them to flow history. In this ...
Mapping flagellated swimmers to surface-slip driven swimmers.
(2023)Flagellated microswimmers are ubiquitous in natural habitats. Understanding the hydrodynamic behavior of these cells is of paramount interest, owing to their applications in bio-medical engineering and disease spreading. ...
Swimming Efficiently by Wrapping
(2023)Single flagellated bacteria are ubiquitous in nature. They exhibit various swimming modes using their flagella to explore complex surroundings such as soil and porous polymer networks. Some single-flagellated bacteria ...
Hydrodynamics of spike proteins dictate a transport-affinity competition for SARS-CoV-2 and other enveloped viruses
(2022-12-01)Many viruses, such as SARS-CoV-2 or Influenza, possess envelopes decorated with surface proteins (a.k.a. spikes). Depending on the virus type, a large variability is present in the surface-proteins number, morphology and ...
SPH simulations of thixo-viscoplastic fluid flow past a cylinder
(2022-10-01)Thixotropic materials are complex fluids that display time-dependent viscosity and/or yield-stress response upon the application of a fixed deformation, while recovering their original structured-state when the deformation ...
Exploring the link between coffee matrix microstructure and flow properties using combined X‐ray microtomography and smoothed particle hydrodynamics simulations
(2022-09-29)Coffee extraction involves many complex physical and transport processes extremely difficult to model. Among the many factors that will affect the final quality of coffee, the microstructure of the coffee matrix is one of ...
Mesoscopic simulations of inertial drag enhancement and polymer migration in viscoelastic solutions flowing around a confined array of cylinders
(2022-07-01)We study the flow around a periodic array of cylinders using a mesoscopic viscoelastic fluid that mimics polymeric solutions. We model our fluid employing a novel mesoscopic method based on Smoothed Dissipative Particle ...
Mesoscopic simulations of inertial drag enhancement and polymer migration in viscoelastic solutions flowing around a confined array of cylinders
(2022-07-01)We study the flow around a periodic array of cylinders using a mesoscopic viscoelastic fluid that mimics polymeric solutions. We model our fluid employing a novel mesoscopic method based on Smoothed Dissipative Particle ...
Modeling swelling effects during coffee extraction with smoothed particle hydrodynamics
(2022-04-01)It is commonly assumed that coffee particles swell during filtration, but it has not been clarified how different degrees of swelling affect the extraction. In this article, we propose a grain swelling model to investigate ...
Modeling the effect of flow-induced mechanical erosion during coffee filtration
(2021-09)The espresso extraction process involves a complex transport inside a geometry-changing porous medium. Large solid grains forming the majority of the porous medium can migrate, swell, consolidate and they can also ...
A conservative lubrication dynamics method for the simulation of dense non-colloidal suspensions with particle spin
(2021-02-15)In this paper, a novel Fast Lubrication Dynamics method that can efficiently simulate dense non-colloidal suspensions is proposed. To reduce the computational cost in the presented methodology, interparticle lubrication-based ...
Arbitrary flow boundary conditions in smoothed dissipative particle dynamics: A generalized virtual rheometer
(2021-01-01)In this work, a methodology to perform rheological studies on smoothed dissipative particle dynamics under arbitrary flow configurations is introduced. To evaluate the accuracy and flexibility of the proposed methodology, ...
Dynamics and rheology of a suspension of super-paramagnetic chains under the combined effect of a shear flow and a rotating magnetic field
(2021)This study presents an analysis of the dynamics of a single and multiple chains of spherical super-paramagnetic beads suspended in a Newtonian fluid under the combined effect of an external rotating magnetic field and a ...
Numerical investigation of the rheological behavior of a dense particle suspension in a biviscous matrix using a lubrication dynamics method
(2020-05-19)This paper presents a numerical approach to predict the rheology of dense non-colloidal suspensions with a biviscous matrix. A biviscous matrix is characterized as a fluid with two shear rate dependent viscosities i.e. one ...
Mesoscopic modelling and simulation of espresso coffee extraction
(2019)A mesoscopic model for the simulation of espresso extraction based on the Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics method is presented. The model incorporates some essential features such as bimodal granulometry (fines-coarses) of ...
Shear-thickening of a non-colloidal suspension with a viscoelastic matrix
(2019)In this work we study the rheology of a non-colloidal suspension of rigid spherical particles interacting with a viscoelastic matrix. Three-dimensional numerical simulations under shear flow are performed using the ...
Apparent slip mechanism between two spheres based on solvent rheology: Theory and implication for the shear thinning of non-Brownian suspensions
(2018-12-10)Analytical results for the apparent slip between two spheres in a simple biviscous model of a shear thinning fluid are presented. Velocity profiles and apparent slip lengths along the surfaces are analyzed in order to ...
Normal lubrication force between spherical particles immersed in a shear-thickening fluid
(2018-12-07)In this work, the inverse bi-viscous model [Physics of Fluids 29, 103104 (2017)] is used to describe a shear-thickening fluid. An analytical velocity profile in a planar Poiseuille flow is utilized to calculate an approximate ...