+34 946 567 842
+34 946 567 843
Information of interest
I am a Postdoctoral Researcher at BCAM - Basque Center for Applied Mathematics. In 2016, I was awarded the La Caixa Fellowship Grant for my doctoral studies and in 2021 I obtained my Ph.D. degree with “Sobresaliente Cum Laude” distinction award from the University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU.
My research interests are Machine Learning and Evolutionary Computations. I have been involved in many projects, belonging to different industrial sectors such as Aerospace Engineering and Maritime Industry. My activities mainly involve trajectory optimization, evolutionary computations, dynamics and control, numerical simulation, meta-heuristics, and software development for engineering simulation.
- Satellite Dynamics and Control
- Spacecraft Trajectory Optimization
- Celestial Mechanics
- Application of Artificial Intelligence in Space Trajectory Design and Optimization
- Space Rendezvous
- Meta-heuristic and Evolutionary Computations
- Engineering Application of Machine Learning Techniques
Maritime Industry:
- Optimization of Bunkering Operations
- Trajectory Detection of Marine Vessels
- AIS Data Analysis
- Estimation of Time of Arrival
- Diagnosis of Port Activities
- In-depth Analysis of Bunkering Operations Efficiency
Minimum-Fuel Low-Thrust Trajectory Optimization Via a Direct Adaptive Evolutionary Approach
(2023-11-28)Space missions with low-thrust propulsion systems are of appreciable interest to space agencies because of their practicality due to higher specific impulses. This research proposes a technique to the solution of minimum-fuel ...
Robust Estimation of Distribution Algorithms via Fitness Landscape Analysis for Optimal Low-Thrust Orbital Maneuvers
(2023-09)One particular kind of evolutionary algorithms known as Estimation of Distribution Algorithms (EDAs) has gained the attention of the aerospace industry for its ability to solve nonlinear and complicated problems, particularly ...
Adaptive Estimation of Distribution Algorithms for Low-Thrust Trajectory Optimization
(2023-08-02)A direct adaptive scheme is presented as an alternative approach for minimum-fuel low-thrust trajectory design in non-coplanar orbit transfers, utilizing fitness landscape analysis (FLA). Spacecraft dynamics is modeled ...
Time-Varying Lyapunov Control Laws with Enhanced Estimation of Distribution Algorithm for Low-Thrust Trajectory Design
(2023-04-30)Enhancements in evolutionary optimization techniques are rapidly growing in many aspects of engineering, specifically in astrodynamics and space trajectory optimization and design. In this chapter, the problem of optimal ...
Trajectory optimization of space vehicle in rendezvous proximity operation with evolutionary feasibility conserving techniques
(2022-10-09)In this paper, a direct approach is developed for discovering optimal transfer trajectories of close-range rendezvous of satellites considering disturbances in elliptical orbits. The control vector representing the inputs ...
EDA++: Estimation of Distribution Algorithms with Feasibility Conserving Mechanisms for Constrained Continuous Optimization
(2022-02-25)Handling non-linear constraints in continuous optimization is challenging, and finding a feasible solution is usually a difficult task. In the past few decades, various techniques have been developed to deal with linear ...
Efficient meta-heuristics for spacecraft trajectory optimization
(2021-03)Meta-heuristics has a long tradition in computer science. During the past few years, different types of meta-heuristics, specially evolutionary algorithms got noticeable attention in dealing with real-world optimization ...
Simulation Framework for Orbit Propagation and Space Trajectory Visualization
(2021)In this paper, an interactive tool for simulation of satellites dynamics and autonomous spacecraft guidance is presented. Different geopotential models for orbit propagation of Earth-orbiting satellites are provided, which ...
An evolutionary discretized Lambert approach for optimal long-range rendezvous considering impulse limit
(2019-09-18)In this paper, an approach is presented for finding the optimal long-range space rendezvous in terms of fuel and time, considering limited impulse. In this approach , the Lambert problem is expanded towards a discretized ...
Optimal multi-impulse space rendezvous considering limited impulse using a discretized Lambert problem combined with evolutionary algorithms
(2019-07-01)In this paper, a direct approach is presented to tackle the multi-impulse rendezvous problem considering the impulse limit. Particularly, the standard Lambert problem is extended toward several consequential orbit transfers ...
Spacecraft Trajectory Optimization: A review of Models, Objectives, Approaches and Solutions
(2018)This article is a survey paper on solving spacecraft trajectory optimization problems. The solving process is decomposed into four key steps of mathematical modeling of the problem, defining the objective functions, ...
Evolutionary algorithms to optimize low-thrust trajectory design in spacecraft orbital precession mission
(2017-06-06)In space environment, perturbations make the spacecraft lose its predefined orbit in space. One of these undesirable changes is the in-plane rotation of space orbit, denominated as orbital precession. To overcome this ...
Analysis of a hybrid Genetic Simulated Annealing strategy applied in multi-objective optimization of orbital maneuvers
(2017-03-27)Optimization of orbital maneuvers is one of the main issues in conceptual and preliminary design of spacecraft in different space missions. The main issue in optimization of high-thrust orbit transfers is that the common ...
Multi-objective Optimization of Orbit Transfer Trajectory Using Imperialist Competitive Algorithm
(2017-03-04)This paper proposes a systematic direct approach to carry out effective multi-objective optimization of space orbit transfer with high-level thrust acceleration. The objective is to provide a transfer trajectory with ...
N-Bunker Project
This project is dedicated to the optimization of bunkering operations in ports in collaboration with Navozyme. The objective is to suggest an optimized estimated time of arrival (ETA) for incoming vessels, which are on their way to reach the port for refueling. The main goal is to develop an efficient framework for analyzing and optimizing the bunkering operations in such a way that the waiting time and the idle time of the vessels at arrival and departure become minimum (Learn More). The main steps in this project can ne summarized as:
- AIS Data Preparation and Preprocessing
- Analysis of the Bunkering Operations
- Development of the Predictive Model
- Estimation of Time of Arrival
- Development of the Optimization Algorithm
- Implementation and Test
Optimización jerárquica de secuencias para trayectorias de transferencia de naves espaciales basada en el empleo de metaheurística
Descripción: Este vídeo muestra la simulación de la optimización jerárquica de secuencias para trayectorias de transferencia de naves espaciales, basada en el empleo de metaheurística. Se utilizan tres tipos de algoritmos evolutivos, que incluyen: el «Algoritmo Genético», la «Optimización por Enjambre de Partículas» y los «Algoritmos de Estimación de Distribución» en el planteamiento de guiado óptimo utilizando trayectorias de bajo empuje. Se consideran diferentes órbitas iniciales para cada algoritmo, mientras que se espera que las órbitas tengan la misma forma y orientación al final de la misión espacial.
Cita espacial multiimpulso de largo alcance mediante el método Lambert evolutivo discretizado
La transferencia de satélites entre órbitas espaciales es una tarea difícil.. Debido a la complejidad de los sistemas espaciales, encontrar trayectorias de transferencia óptimas requiere planteamientos eficientes. Este vídeo muestra la simulación del movimiento de un satélite en una misión espacial, en la que se desarrolla y se utiliza un nuevo algoritmo evolutivo para la transferencia de órbita. El satélite realiza múltiples transferencias entre órbitas intermedias hasta que alcanza el destino deseado. Se utilizan mecanismos heurísticos novedosos en el desarrollo del algoritmo de optimización para diseñar la trayectoria de la nave espacial. Los resultados de la simulación indican la eficacia del algoritmo a la hora de encontrar trayectorias de transferencia óptimas para el satélite.
Journal Reviewer:
- Advances in Space Research (Elsevier)
- Automatica (Elsevier)
- Engineering Optimization (Taylor & Francis)
- Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering (Springer)
- IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems (IEEE)
- IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics (IEEE)
- IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing (IEEE)
- IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics: Systems (IEEE)
- ISA Transactions (Elsevier)
- Journal of Aerospace Engineering (ASCE)
- Journal of Guidance, Control and Dynamics (AIAA)
- Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets (AIAA)
- Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications (Springer)
- Measurement and Control (SAGE Publishing)
- Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering (SAGE Publishing)
- Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science (SAGE Publishing)
- Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control (SAGE Publishing)