J. A. Lozano, keynote speaker at the 33rd ACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing

  • The BCAM UPV/EHU researcher gave a talk on Non-Standard Machine Learning Problems on the opening of the event

 The BCAM UPV/EHU researcher gave a talk on Non-Standard Machine Learning Problems on the opening of the event The ACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing is an international forum for applied computer scientists, computer engineers and application developers to gather, interact and present their work. Its 33rd edition was hosted by Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour (UPPA) between April 9-13 at Pau (France) and was sponsored by the ACM Special Interest Group on Applied Computing (SIGAPP). The event covered a variety of topics including Cloud Computing, Cognitive Computing, Cyber-Physical Systems, Data Mining, Data Streams, Bioinformatics, Embedded Systems, Internet of Things, Programming Languages, etc.

BCAM - UPV/EHU researcher Jose A. Lozano, leader of the Machine Learning group at the Basque Center for Applied Mathematics, gave a Keynote presentation on NonStandard Supervised Classification Problems on the first day of the symposium.

During his talk, Lozano provided a taxonomy of non-standard machine learning problems, and he illustrated each of them with case examples. He also explained how to learn classifiers in the specific case of learning problems with "label ratio", and how to apply them to the problem of predicting the goodness of an oocyte in assisted reproduction.