"Mathematics in everyday life", the talks of Bidebarrieta, are back

  • BCAM is once again collaborating this year with the presence of Dae-Jin Lee, leader of the Applied Statistics group.

A new edition of "Mathematics in everyday life" by Bidebarrieta Kulturgunea has arrived and will include two talks on 20th and 27th October on the use of this science in aspects of our daily lives. This series of scientific dissemination meetings that aim to bring mathematics and its reality closer to society in general in an enjoyable but rigorous way is jointly organised by the Bilbao City Council, the Faculty of Science and Technology of the UPV/EHU and the Royal Spanish Mathematical Society, with the collaboration of the Basque Center for Applied Mathematics (BCAM) and Radio Euskadi, and forms part of the annual activity calendar of Bidebarrieta Científica.

This year the talks are given by María Merino, Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea, and Dae-Jin Lee, leader of the Applied Statistics line of the Basque Center for Applied Mathematics – BCAM.

On Tuesday 20th October, Merino will talk to us about "Sudoku: under a mathematical look". While Lee will talk about "Mathematics + innovation: the secret formula of digital transformation and startups", on Tuesday 27th October.

Both talks will take place at the Central Library of Bidebarrieta, maintaining the security measures against COVID-19. To get the tickets you can access the following links: "Sudoku: under a mathematical look" and "Mathematics + innovation: the secret formula of the digital transformation and the startups".

The talks will also be broadcast via streaming at http://kulturguneatb.eus/.