Numeriwaves Advanced Course 2014-2015: Topics on PDEs, Control and Numerics

Fecha: Vie, Oct 3 2014 - Sáb, Mayo 30 2015

Hora: 09:30

Ponentes: Enrique Zuazua, BCAM

Numeriwaves Advanced Course 2014-2015  
Topics on PDEs, Control and Numerics
by Prof. Enrique Zuazua


In this series of lectures we shall discuss several topics related with the modeling, analysis, numerical simulation and control of Partial Differential Equations (PDE) arising in various contexts of Science and Technology. We shall mainly focus on the priority topics .

The course will be mainly oriented to PhD students and postdocs with basic background on ODE, PDE and Numerical Analysis. Emphasis will be done on open problems and subjects for future research.


1.- Historical introduction
2.- ODE Control
3.- Wave propagation
4.- Numerical approximation of waves
5.- Numerical hypoellipticity
6.- Multiphysics models
7.- Averaged control on parameter depending systems
8.- Optimal placement of sensors and actuators
9.-Flow control and inverse design


The course will be delivered during the whole academic year 2014-2015 on, approximately, a bimonthly basis from 9:30 to 11:30 at BCAM headquarters.

OCTOBER: 3rd, 17th
NOVEMBER: 10th and 21st
JANUARY: 16th and 26th 
FEBRUARY: 6th, 13th and 20th
MARCH: 6th, 13th and 20th 
APRIL: 29th 
MAY: 15th and 22nd 
JUNE: 5th, 15th and 22nd 

Place and Inscription 
The course will be held at BCAM Headquarters
BCAM-Basque Center For Applied Mathematics
Alameda Mazarredo, 14 - 48009 Bilbao - Basque Country - Spain
Phone: (+34) 946567842

To register:




Ponentes confirmados:

Enrique Zuazua, BCAM