PIXIL Workshop: Present and future of geothermal energy in Spain and France

Fecha: Jue, Ene 20 2022

Hora: 09:30

Ubicación: Online Zoom

Ponentes: Information in the website

DATE: 20th -21st January, 2022
LOCATION: Online Zoom
TIME: 20th January 9:30-12:30 / 21st January 9:00 - 12:45

The first part of this workshop aims to present the results obtained by the PIXIL project, and particularly by the area dedicated to the design of Imaging algorithm for geothermy. The second part will give an overview of the geothermal sector in France and in Spain, and will discuss perspectives for the development of this energy in the next decade.

You can check workshop agenda at PIXIL workshop page.

https://casedissemination.typeform.com/to/OdBPNQ02?typeform-source=pixil-project.eu Once you have registered, you will receive the link to access the Zoom room a few days before the event.

*The webinar will be recorded*

More info:
PIXIL Project

Ponentes confirmados:

Information in the website