Quantitative Biomedicine for Health and Disease, February 24-25, 2016

Fecha: Mié, Feb 24 2016

Ubicación: BioCruces Health Research Institute, Basque Country, Spain, BCBL, San Sebastián, Basque Country, Spain, Case Western Reserve University, USA, CONICET, Argentina, BioCruces Health Research Institute, Basque Country, Spain, Imperial College, London, UK, BioCruces Health Research Institute and Universidad de Deusto, Basque Country, Spain, BCBL, San Sebastián, Basque Country, Spain, CSIC-UPV/EHU, Leioa, Basque Country, Spain, Cruces University Hospital, Basque

Ponentes: Paolo BONIFAZI, César CABALLERO, Daniela CALVETTI, Dante CHIALVO,  Mauro D’AMATO, Lulu RITCHIE, Iñigo GABILONDO, Eugenio IGLESIAS, Banafshe LARIJAN, José Ignacio LOPEZ,  Rafael MOLINA SORIANO, Alessandro VENEZIANI