Third Summer School on Harmonic Analysis and Partial Differential Equations

Fecha: Lun, Jul 10 2017

Hora: 009:00

Ubicación: BCAM-Basque Center for Applied Mathematics

Ponentes: Luca Fanelli, Michail Mourgoglou, Lubo Pick, Sundaram Thangavelu


July 10-14, 2017

BCAM-Basque Center for Applied Mathematics
Mazarredo 14, Bilbao, Basque Country, Spain

The purpose of this summer school is to introduce the participants in current topics of research at the interface of harmonic analysis and partial differential equations. The courses are addressed to beginner and intermediate graduate students from institutions around world. Postdoctoral researchers are also welcome. 

The structure of the summer school will be as follows. There will be four mini-courses that will take place during the week of the summer school, each one consisting of 5 lectures. The four mini courses will be given by:

-Luca FANELLI, Sapienza Università di Roma
-Michail MOURGOGLOU, University of the Basque Country, Bilbao 
-Lubo PICK, Charles University in Prague
-Sundaram THANGAVELU, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore

The exact topics of these mini courses and further details on their content will be announced later. 

We can provide partial funding (accommodation plus daily meals) for up to ten participants. For the funding there will be a strong preference to students that have not obtained their PhD degree yet. 

If you want to apply for partial funding please send an email to ha-pde@bcamath.orgbefore the 23rd of April, including your CV, a letter of intent where you also suggest some possible topic(s) you would like to present in the summer school, and the name and email of a contact person (e.g. thesis advisor or similar).

The participants that will receive partial funding will present a short lecture (25+5 minutes) on a topic of their choice and interest. This short lecture does not have to be original research work, but the topic has to be related to the theme of the summer school, and will have to be chosen together with the scientific committee of the summer school.

There is NO registration fee for the summer school. However, registration for the summer school is MANDATORY and should be done through the website of the summer school:





Sapienza Università di Roma, University of the Basque Country, Charles University in Prague , Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore

Ponentes confirmados:

Luca Fanelli, Michail Mourgoglou, Lubo Pick, Sundaram Thangavelu