Light PhD Seminar: Cubic microlattices embedded in nematic liquid crystals: a Landau-de Gennes study

Date: Wed, Nov 30 2022

Hour: 12:30

Location: Maryam Mirzakhani Seminar Room at BCAM

Speakers: Razvan Ceuca

Location: Maryam Mirzakhani Seminar Room at BCAM

Cubic microlattices embedded in nematic liquid crystals: a Landau-de Gennes study

After the scientific seminar, Razvan will talk about his experience during the last part of his PhD thesis and the steps followed until the defense of it. Particularly, he will give details for how the whole procedure went out for him (exact dates for each step, how did his final documents look like, etc.) so that other PhD students can learn from his mistakes. Essentially, he will offer "a tested example" for (almost) everything related with the last steps of the PhD experience.



Confirmed speakers:

Razvan Ceuca