Pixil Workshop: From science to praxis. Experiences employing geophysical methods to characterise geothermal anomalies

Date: Wed, May 26 2021

Hour: 09:00

Location: Online

Speakers: Information in the website

DATE: 26th May, 2021
TIME: 9:00-13:30

Geothermal energy is expected to play an important role in the transition from fossil-based to zero-carbon based energy supply. A key step towards the implementation of a geothermal project is the exploration phase. At this initial stage proper use of geophysical tools represent an asset to reduce exploration costs and uncertainty, and provide the necessary information for the designing phase. In this workshop we will share recent advances in geophysical inversion and modelling, and learn from some practical experiences using geophysical methods to characterise geothermal environments. At the same time, we will discuss the situation and necessities of the geothermal sector and how research institutions can contribute to answer some of the most relevant questions in the industry.

You can check workshop agenda at PIXIL workshop page.


More info:
PIXIL Project

Confirmed speakers:

Information in the website