Quantum Days in Bilbao: Mathematical Methods in Atomic and Molecular Physics

Date: Mon, Jul 13 2015

Hour: 09:00

Location: BCAM - Basque Center for Applied Mathematics Mazarredo 14, Bilbao, Basque Country, Spain

Speakers: V. Aquilanti, M. Carfora, J.N.L Connor, D. De Fazio, E. Almaraz Luengo, M. González, A. Marzouli, H.D. Meyer, W.H. Miller, J.-P. Puel, O. Roncero, A.S. Sanz, G. Schatz

Quantum Days in Bilbao: Mathematical Methods in Atomic and Molecular Physics

July 13-14, 2015 

BCAM - Basque Center for Applied Mathematics
Mazarredo 14, Bilbao, Basque Country, Spain

Satellite of QRS XIII http://fama.iff.csic.es/con/QRS-2015/


The Workshop, focused on application of mathematical methods in atomic and molecular sciences, intends to bring together scientists from different European countries and USA for exchanging ideas and establishing, or continuing, collaborations.

July 13, 2015, First day, work will be dedicated largely to problems in quantum reactive scattering.

July 14, 2015, Second day, covering a wider range of subjects, from mathematical physics to numerical modeling of polymerization processes.

Organizing Committee

D. Sokolovski (UPV/EHU & Ikerbasque, Bizkaia)
E. Akhmatskaya (BCAM & Ikerbasque, Bizkaia)
S. Rusconi (BCAM, Bizkaia)

Confirmed speakers

Prof. V. Aquilanti (U. di Perugia, Italy)
Prof. M. Carfora (U. di Pavia, Italy)
Prof. J.N.L Connor (U. Manchester, UK)
Dr. D. De Fazio (CNR, Roma, Italy)
Dr. E. Almaraz Luengo (U.Complutense Madrid, Spain)
Prof. M. González (U. Barcelona, Spain)
Prof. A. Marzuoli (U. di Pavia, Italy)  
Prof. H.D. Meyer (Heidelberg U., Germany)
Prof. W.H. Miller (UC Berkeley, USA)
Prof. J.-P. Puel (U. Versailles-Saint Quentin, France)
Dr. O. Roncero, CSIC, Madrid, Spain
Dr. A.S. Sanz (CSIC, Madrid, Spain)
Prof. G. Schatz (Northwestern U., USA)
Prof. J. Siewert, (UPV/EHU, Bizkaia)







U. di Perugia, Italy, U. di Pavia, Italy, U. Manchester, UK, CNR, Roma, Italy, Complutense U. and ICMAT, Madrid, Spain, U. Barcelona, Spain, U. di Pavia, Italy, Heidelberg U., Germany, UC Berkeley, USA, U. Versailles-Saint Quentin, France, CSIC, Madrid, Spain, Northwestern U., USA, UPV/EHU

Confirmed speakers:

V. Aquilanti, M. Carfora, J.N.L Connor, D. De Fazio, E. Almaraz Luengo, M. González, A. Marzouli, H.D. Meyer, W.H. Miller, J.-P. Puel, O. Roncero, A.S. Sanz, G. Schatz