Safer and more sustainable communities. Experiences of Cross-Border projects in the Pyrenees

Date: Thu, Oct 21 2021

Hour: 17:30 - 19:00

Location: Online and in person


DATE: 21st October, 2021
LOCATION: Online and in person 
TIME: 17:30- 19:00

The aim of this event is to present the tools implemented in the framework of four cross-border projects (Spain, France, Andorra) and to discuss different aspects related to the integration of the results, both from the technical and management points of view, and dissemination and coordination with end users. The event is aimed at representatives of the services involved in the management of geological risks in the Pyrenees and in the exploration of energy resources, as well as companies and institutions interested in the development of geothermal energy in the region, and also the general public and the media.

The four projects are:

  • POCRISC (For a Common Seismic Risk Culture): Seismic risk prevention and seismic emergency management support tools. Led by the Institut Cartogr�fic i Geol�gic de Catalunya (ICGC) Link to the POCRISC project website

  • PIXIL (Pyrénées Imaging eXperience : an international network): State-of-the-art multidisciplinary tools (geophysics-geology-supercomputing) for subsurface analysis for geothermal exploration. Led by the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC) Link to the PIXIL project website

  • MOMPA (Monitoring of Ground Movements and Action Protocols): Monitoring of ground deformations related to geological hazards. Led by the Telecommunications Technology Centre of Catalonia (CTTI) Link to the MOMPA project website

  • PYRMOVE (Prevention and cross-border management of the risk associated with landslides): Prevention and management of landslide risk. Led by the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC) Link to PYRMOVE project website


Simultaneous translation Spanish <-> French

Agenda will be available soon.

The registration form will remain open until 14 October. Those interested in following the event online will receive the link in the days before. Those interested in attending in person will receive an email confirming that they can attend. Please note that the face-to-face event will be subject to the limitations set by the health authorities due to the pandemic and those of the room itself. In the case that the event has to be cancelled, the ICGC will not be responsible for any possible expenses incurred by those registered.

More info: