Stan Tutorial

Date: Fri, Jul 8 2016

Hour: 10:00

Location: Universidad de Deusto, Edificio "Comercial" ("La Comercial")

Speakers: Michael Betancourt

Stan Tutorial

Michael BETANCOURT, University of Warwick, UK

July 8, 2016

Universidad de Deusto, Edificio "Comercial" ("La Comercial") Planta baja, derecha, aula nº 02 (Ground floor, right, classroom no. 02), Bilbao, Basque Country, Spain

As a satellite event, Dr. Michael BETANCOURT has agreed to give a Tutorial on the Stan software package, the day after the school BCAM-IMUVA Summer School on Uncertainty Quantification for Applied Problems (


This tutorial will aim to provide an interaction introduction to the use of Stan in R with RStan and ShinyStan. We´ll write and fit a few models, analyze those fits using numerical and visual diagnostics, and investigate potential solutions for poor fits.  

Anyone interested in attending is encouraged to download the latest versions of RStan and ShinyStan before the conference. For help with installation issues please consult the Stan Users´ List.

RStan 2.9.0




University of Warwick, UK

Confirmed speakers:

Michael Betancourt