Turbulence in dilute polymer solutions: from zero to infinite Reynolds numbers

Date: Mon, Dec 16 - Wed, Dec 18 2019

Hour: 09:30

Location: BCAM Seminar room

Speakers: Itzhak Fouxon (Yonsei University, South Korea)

DATES: 16-18 December 2019 (3 sessions, a total of 20 hours)
LOCATION: BCAM Seminar room
- Monday and Tuesday (7h): 9:30-3:30 and 15:00-18:00
- Wednesday (6h): 9:30-13:30 and 15:00-17:00

In this course we present the rapidly developing area of elastic turbulence that holds in polymer solutions at zero Reynolds number. Turbulence in these solutions was first discovered at large Reynolds numbers via the famous, still not explained completely, observation of drag reduction with the help of minute amounts of dissolved polymers. The solutions provide us with prototype example of turbulence in non-Newtonian fluids. The lectures aim at coherent introduction that starts with fundamentals and brings the participants to state-of-the-art. Open research problems that need theoretical, numerical and experimental inputs will be presented.

1. Single polymer molecule dynamics in the random flow. Universal probability distribution of size and its derivation from statistics of finite-time Lyapunov exponents and large deviations. Experimental confirmation of the theory. Degradation and non-linear elasticity. Implications for dilute solutions.
2. Rheology of polymer solutions. Magnetohydrodynamic type formulation and its implications.
3. Changes in the nature of turbulence in dilute polymer solutions as the Reynolds number increases from zero to infinity. Maximum drag reduction asymptote and its current understanding.
4. Theory of elastic turbulence and its experimental confirmations.
5. Recent discoveries: Alfven waves and drag reduction in elastic turbulence. Open problems.

*Registration is free, but mandatory before December 13th.
To sign-up go to https://forms.gle/jYsqB5mXKbSGxJU97 and fill the registration form.

Student grants are available. Please, let us know if you need support for travel and accommodation expenses in the previous form before November 15th.



Confirmed speakers:

Itzhak Fouxon (Yonsei University, South Korea)