VI Summer School & Workshop Benasque 2015: PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS: optimal design and numerics.

Date: Sun, Aug 23 2015

Hour: 09:30

Location: Huesca-Spain

Speakers: F.Duzaar, C. Conca, M. Fornasier, W. Wollner, S. Rogovs, T. Apel, K. Cherednichenko, F. Ancona,S. Ervedoza,I. Lucardesi, S.Guarino, S. Micu, M. Pierre, V. Begelein, N. Carreño, J. Loheac, M. A. Fontelos, M. Boulaki, T. Horsin, R. Joly, N. Gauger

Registration is required:

Benasque (Huesca-Spain) from 23 August to 4 September 2015


Giuseppe BUTTAZZO, Università di Pisa, Italy
Olivier GLASS , Université Paris-Dauphine, France
Günter LEUGERING , Universität Erlangen, Germany
Enrique ZUAZUA , BCAM - Ikerbasque, Basque Country, Spain

The workshop is intended to provide a fruitful atmosphere for discussions and joint research work on themes involving partial differential equations and their applications to shape optimization, optimal control problems, singularities in fracture mechanics and fluid dynamics, and numerical analysis.

The work will be focused on new research trends in the fields above, in order to stimulate collaborations among participants by means of various activities on the basis of a daily programme (talks, seminars, minicourses, discussions...)

The activity is mainly intended for young scientists as PhD students and post-docs, and will be held thanks to the participation of a number of world leader mathematicians.
Limited partial financial support will be available for young researchers.

Monday, August 24

09:15h Opening address

09:30h The obstacle problem for the total variation flow,DUZAAR, Frank (University of Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany)

10:20h Minimisation of the ground state of the mixture of two materials in small contrast regime, CONCA, Carlos (Universidad de Chile, Chile)

11:40h Mean-field sparse optimal control, FORNASIER, Massimo (Technical University of Munich, Germany)

16:30h Thematic session on "Discretization error analysis of optimal control problems with PDEs"organized by Thomas APEL (Universität der Bundeswehr München, Germany), Winnifried WOLLNER (Universität Hamburg, Germany)

Discretization error analysis of optimal control problems with PDEs, WOLLNER,Winnifried
Graded meshes in optimal control of elliptic partial differential equations, ROGOVS, Sergejs
Discretization of optimal control problems with partial differential equations, APEL,Thomas

Tuesday, August 25

09:30h Resolvent estimates for high-contrast elliptic problems with periodic coefficients
CHEREDNICHENKO, Kirill (University of Bath, UK)

10:20h On the asymptotic stabilization of a generalized hyperelastic-rod wave equation
ANCONA, Fabio (University of Padova, Italy)

11:40h Design of meshes adapted to the observation and control of discrete waves
ERVEDOZA, Sylvain (Université de Toulouse and CNRS, France)

16:30h Thematic session on "Shape optimization problems"organized by Rajesh MAHADEVAN (Universidad de Concepción, Chile), IIlaria LUCARDESI (SISSA Trieste, Italy)
Low congested networks and regions and optimal reinforcement for a membrane, GUARINO Lo BIANCO, Serena
Shape derivatives for minima of integral functionals, Ilaria LUCARDESI

Wednesday, August 26

09:30h Stabilization of a system of dispersive equations modelling the propagation of water waves
MICU, Sorin (University of Craiova, Romania)

10:20h A determination of optimal ship forms based on Michell's wave resistance
PIERRE, Morgan (Université de Poitiers, France)

11:40h The obstacle problem for the porous medium equation
BÉGELEIN, Verena (University of Salzburg, Austria)

16:30h Thematic session on "Fluid mechanics"organized by Olivier GLASS (Université Paris-Dauphine, France)

On the cost of null controllability of a linear KdV equation, Nicolás CARREÑO
Control of 3D micro-swimmers, Jerome LOHEAC
Mathematical problems in inkjet printing technology, Marco A. FONTELOS
Compressible fluid and its interaction with a structure, Muriel BOULAKIA

Thursday, August 27

09:30h Functional approach to the Lagrangian controllability
HORSIN, Thierry (Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers, France)

10:20h Exponential decay of the solutions of Klein-Gordon equation in unbounded domains
JOLY, Romain (Université de Grenoble, France)

11:40h One-Shot Optimization with Steady and Unsteady PDEs
GAUGER, Nicolas R. (University of Kaiserslautern, Germany)

16:30hThematic session on "On the finite-time stabilization of strings connected by point mass and the SMB chromatography"organized by Ghada Ben BELGACEM (Ecole Polytechnique de Bizerte, Tunisia), Chaker JAMMAI, (Ecole Polytechnique de Bizerte, Tunisia), Vincent PERROLLAZ (Université de Tours, France)

An abstract on finite-time stabilizability of controllable dynamical systems, Chaker JAMMAZI
Finite-time stabilization of strings connected by point mass and the SMB chromatography,Ghada Ben BELGACEM and Chaker JAMMAZI
Finite time stabilization: some particular examples, Vincent PERROLLAZ

Friday, August 28

09:30h A duality scheme for a class of non convex problems in the calculus of variations
BOUCHITTÉ, Guy (Université de Toulon, France)

10:20h A controllability problem for a non convex conservation law
MARSON, Andrea (University of Padova, Italy)

11:50h Young's law for nonlocal fractional perimeters
GELLI, Maria Stella (University of Pisa, Italy)

16:00h Young researchers presentations organized by Pierre LISSY (University of Paris-Dauphine, France) and Morgan MORANCE (University of Aix-Marseille, France). 20 mins talks (including questions). Speakers: Alessandra PLUDA, Alexander KEIMER, Alexanderr,Thibault LIARD, Bilgesu BILGIN

Evolution of spoon-shaped networks, Alessandra PLUDA
Nonlocal Conservation/Balance Laws, Alexander KEIMER
Study of an extremal problem for eigenvectors of some Sturm-Liouville problems, Thibault LIARD
Semilinear structurally damped wave equations: supercritical case, Bilgesu BILGIN

17:50h Young researchers presentations organized by Pierre LISSY (University of Paris-Dauphine, France) and Morgan MORANCEY (University of Aix-Marseille, France). 20 mins talks (including questions). Speakers: Shane COOPER, Iván MOYANO, Juan Carlos LÓPEZ RÍOS

On the gaps in spectrum of the periodic Maxwell Operator: applications to Photonic Crystal Fibre design, Shane COOPER
Null controllability of the Kolmogorov equation in the whole space, Iván MOYANO
Bottom detection and optimal control problem on water waves, Juan Carlos LÓPEZ RÍOS

Monday, August 31

09:30h PhD students presentations II organized by Pierre LISSY (University of Paris-Dauphine, France) and Morgan MORANCEY (University of Aix-Marseille, France). 20 mins talks (including questions). Speakers: Daria GHILLI, Enrique CORTÉS, Felipe CHAVES, Sebastián ZAMORANO, Christtian CAZACU

11:40h PhD students presentations II organized by Pierre LISSY (University of Paris-Dauphine, France) and Morgan MORANCEY (University of Aix-Marseille, France). 20 mins talks (including questions). Speakers: Guilherme MAZANTI, Santiago MONTANER

16:30h Thematic session on 'Evolutionary obstacle problems' organized by Jens HABERMANN (University of Erlangen, Germany), Teemu LUKKARI (University of Jyväskylä, Finland), Christoph SCHEVEN (University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany), Thomas SCHMIDT (University of Erlangen, Germany)

Tuesday, September 01

09:30h Optimal control of the Schroedinger equation
KROENER, Axel (Inria-Saclay and Ecole Polytechnique, France)

10:20h Indirect controllability of some linear parabolic systems of two equations with one controls involving coupling terms of first order
DUPREZ, Michel (Université de Franche-Comté, France)

11:40h Exponential decay of the solutions of Klein-Gordon equation in unbounded domains
JOLY, Romain (Université de Grenoble, France)

16:30h PhD students presentations IIIorganized by Pierre LISSYi (University of Paris-Dauphine, France) and Morgan MORANCEY (University of Aix-Marseille, France). 20 mins talks (including questions). Speakers: Johannes ERNESTI, Stefan STURM, Aitziber IBÁÑEZ, Tran Duc Minh, Hind AL BABA, Umberto BICCARI

Wednesday, September 02

09:30h Obstacle problems for the p-Laplacian via Tug-of-War games
MANFREDI, Juan (University of Pittsburgh, USA)

10:20 h Smoothness results for the minimization of the first eigenvalue of a two-phase material and applications to non existence
CASADO DIAZ, Juan (University of Sevilla, Spain)

11:40h Greedy Control
LAZAR, Martin (Univiversity of Dubrovnik, Croatia)

16:30hThematic session on 'Shape optimization problems II'organized by

19:30h Reception and exhibition of some actual paintings by Barbara LUCAS-LEUGERING

Thursday, September 03

09:30h Open discussion on open problems and perspectives

12:00h Closing & Path towards 2017

* Further information about registration, accommodation, travel can be found at

* Those willing to participate may send an email to with a short CV and a letter of presentation describing the interest in the activity.

* For further local information about Benasque and the region:







U. of Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany, U. de Chille Chile, Technical U. of Munich, Germany, U. of Bath, UK, U. of Padova, Italy, U. de Toulouse and CNRS, France, U. Concepción, Chile, SISSA Trieste, Italy, U. of Craiova, Romania, U. de Poitiers, France, U. of Salzburg, Austria, ICMAT, Madrid, Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers, France, U. de Grenoble, France, U. of Kaiserslautern, Germany, Ecole Polytechnique de Bizerte, Tunisia, UPV-EHU, Leioa, BCAM, Bilbao, U. of Jyväskylä, Finland

Confirmed speakers:

F.Duzaar, C. Conca, M. Fornasier, W. Wollner, S. Rogovs, T. Apel, K. Cherednichenko, F. Ancona,S. Ervedoza,I. Lucardesi, S.Guarino, S. Micu, M. Pierre, V. Begelein, N. Carreño, J. Loheac, M. A. Fontelos, M. Boulaki, T. Horsin, R. Joly, N. Gauger, G.B. Belgacem, C. Jammai, V. Perrollaz, G. Bouchittá, A. Marson, M.S. Gelli, P. Lissy, M. Morancey, A. Pluda, A. Keimer, T. Liard, B. Bilgin, S. Cooper, I. Moyano, J. C. López, D. Ghilli, E. Cortés, F. Chaves, S. Zamorano, C. Cazacu, G. Mazanti