BCAM Scientific Seminar: Partial Least Square methods for omics data sets

Date: Tue, Sep 25 2018

Hour: 16:00

Speakers: Jeanine Houwing-Duistermaat

About the speaker: 
Jeanine Houwing-Duistermaat is Professor in Data Analytics and Statistics at the University of Leeds. She is also Professor of Statistical Genetics at Leiden University Medical Center and guest Professor at the University of Hasselt in Belgium. Her area of expertise is the development of statistical methods based on random effects to model across study heterogeneity, clustering of data within families or within-person (longitudinal) or using external information to increase the information for the model.
Webpage: http://jeaninehouwing.com

Poster and abstract


University of Leeds, UK

Confirmed speakers:

Jeanine Houwing-Duistermaat