Joint BCAM-UPV/EHU Analysis and PDE seminar: Gabor orthonormal bases, tiling and periodicity
Date: Thu, Sep 14 2023
Hour: 12:00-13:00
Location: UPV/EHU
Speakers: Alberto Debernardi Pinos - University of Aveiro
Given a Gabor orthonormal basis of L2(ℝ)
𝒢(g,T,S):={ g(x-t) e2π is x: g∈ L2(ℝ), t∈ T, s∈ S},
we study periodicity properties of the translation and modulation sets T and S. In particular, we show that if the window function g is compactly supported, then T and S must be periodic sets, i.e., of the form
T = aℤ+ {t1,…,tn}, S = bℤ + {s1,…,sm}.
To achieve this, we first obtain a result of independent interest: if the system 𝒢(g,T,S) is an orthonormal basis of L2(ℝ), then both |g|2 and |ĝ|2 tile ℝ by translations (when translated along the sets T and S, respectively), and moreover,
∑t∈ T |g(x-t)|2=D(T), ∑s∈ S |ĝ(x-s)|2=D(S), a.e. x∈ ℝ,
where D(Λ) denotes the uniform density of a set Λ⊂ ℝ.
Partial results towards the Liu-Wang conjecture are also obtained.
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Confirmed speakers:
Alberto Debernardi Pinos
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