Light PhD Seminar | Neural Networks in Numerical Analysis and Approximation Theory

Date: Thu, Sep 12 2024

Hour: 12:30

Location: Maryam Mirzakhani Seminar Room at BCAM

Speakers: Gonzalo Romera (UPV/EHU)

Abstract:  In this talk, we study the approximation capabilities of Neural Networks in the context of numerical resolution of elliptic PDEs and Approximation Theory.

First of all, we introduce the mathematical definition of Neural Networks and perform some basic estimates on their composition and parallelization. Then,
we implement the Galerkin method using Neural Network. In particular, we manage to build a Neural Network that approximates the inverse of positive-definite symmetric matrices, which allows to get a Galerkin numerical solution of elliptic PDEs. Finally, we introduce the approximation space of Neural Networks, a space which consists of functions in Lp that are approximated at a certain rate when increasing the number of weights of Neural Networks. We find the relation of this space with the Besov space: the smoother a function is, the faster it can be approximated with Neural Networks when increasing the number of weights. This talk is based on my Master Thesis.

Confirmed speakers:

Gonzalo Romera (UPV/EHU)

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