BCAM, with Javier Fernández de Bobadilla as PI, will coordinate the National Network of Algebraic Geometry and Singularities for the period 2025-2027
- The main objectives of the RGA network are: strengthening our areas of specialization and expanding them in the most relevant directions of current research; maintaining and improving our international presence; and leveraging our internal synergies to foster international collaboration that helps sustain a top-level research and training environment.
BCAM will continue to coordinate, with Javier Fernández de Bobadilla as PI, the National Network on Algebraic Geometry and Singularities (RED2024-153610-T) for the period 2025–2027.
Algebraic Geometry and Singularities are well-established areas of mathematics in Spain. The RGAS network is composed of 13 nodes that address Algebraic Geometry and Singularity Theory from various perspectives and with different tools.
The main objectives of the RGA network are:
- Strengthening our areas of specialization and expanding them in the most relevant directions of current research.
- Maintaining and improving our international presence.
- Leveraging internal synergies and generating international collaborations to sustain a top-tier research and training environment.
The specific objectives of the Network are:
- Encouraging the exchange of scientific knowledge among the nodes in the field of Algebraic Geometry and Singularities, as well as their applications. Promoting the complementarity of capabilities and research resources among the research groups and managers of different nodes to optimize resources and results.
- Facilitating and promoting training activities, especially those aimed at young researchers but open to any researcher, to help incorporate the most innovative techniques at an international level. We aim for the continuous training of network members in the latest techniques and ideas.
- Encouraging the mobility of researchers among different nodes (especially PhD students and postdocs) to take advantage of synergies in research and training. Special attention will be given to communication with Spanish researchers in our thematic area working in foreign institutions, with the goal of integrating them into the network’s scientific community.
- Promoting communication and scientific collaboration with international research groups working on similar and complementary topics to generate new synergies and collaborations.
- Enhancing the visibility and international impact of the network members and their results.
BCAM's leadership in this network reinforces its role as a benchmark in applied mathematics and highlights its commitment to research excellence.
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