BCAM, meeting point for students and experts in Functional Analysis

  • The headquarters of the Basque Center for Applied Mathematics hosted the 14th Meeting of the Functional Analysis and Applications Network from 5 to 10 March
The 14th Meeting of the Functional Analysis and Applications Network took place in Bilbao last week. Funded by the Basque Center for Applied Mathematics (BCAM) and the Functional Analysis Network, in collaboration with the University of the Basque Country and the University of Valencia, the event aimed to be a meeting point for researchers in this field and other related areas. The VIII School-Workshop on Functional Analysis, a mini introductory course in which undergraduate and master's students in mathematics participated, was held simultaneously. The students worked in groups for five days and presented their results to the attendees at the end of the week as part of the program. Natalia Accomazzo Scotti (UPV/EHU), one of the participants, made a courageous call for reflection on the presence of women in the mathematical community during her presentation: "Being March 8th International Women’s Day, our group wanted to call for reflection. We believe that the mathematical field is one of the places where the social differences between men and women are most visible. You only have to take a look at this room to notice it. And since the first step in solving a problem is always to admit it, we believe that it is time to rethink our daily attitudes and how often we continue to repeat the same social mandates that we already know do not add up. We know that this is a battle that women will have to fight in the streets, but we also believe that real change will begin when we understand that we have to start by changing ourselves.”