BCAM new Laboratory in Trustworthy Machine Learning in collaboration with Dr. Novi Quadrianto

BCAM reinforces its “Severo Ochoa Strategic Labs” programme with a new Laboratory in Trustworthy Machine Learning in collaboration with Dr. Novi Quadrianto from the University of Sussex

The programme aims to strengthen the internationalisation of the centre through collaboration with renowned international researchers in research areas of reference.

In this joint lab, the Basque Center for Applied Mathematics - BCAM counts on the collaboration of Dr. Novi Quadrianto, who is leading an ERC Starting Grant 2019 project on “Bayesian Models and Algorithms for Fairness and Transparency (BayesianGDPR)”. The laboratory will be co-led by Prof. Jose A. Lozano, BCAM Scientific director who coordinates the BCAM area of Data Science & Artificial Intelligence. The objectives of this joint laboratory are:

·      To promote collaborative research on Machine Learning and Data Science topics, and thus strengthen the centre's research areas and generate synergies.

·      To contribute to BCAM projects on Data Science and other areas.

·      Explore the connection between pure/applied mathematics and new research topics in collaboration with BCAM research areas

·      Strengthen contacts within the international scientific community

·      To provide specialised training to the members of the centre.

This Severo Ochoa Strategic Lab in Trustworthy Machine Learning will sum to the ongoing lab in modelling with PDE in Mathematical Biology, led by Jose Antonio Carrillo. At the same time, work is underway to define other laboratories in the field of PDE (and their relationship with Geometry and Fluid Mechanics) and in other areas.

This programme highlights the importance of international collaboration between research centres and universities, as well as the strengthening that this can mean for the centre's lines of research and its international positioning. The agreement will materialize through different activities such as the joint supervision of postdoctoral researchers and PhD students or visits to the centre and joint participation in scientific activities. 

This initiative is part of the actions promoted by BCAM thanks to the accreditation of "Severo Ochoa Centre of Excellence" granted by the Ministry of Science and Innovation through the State Research Agency and that BCAM has for the period 2014-2022.


About Novi Quadrianto

Since May 2019 Novi Quadrianto is a Reader in Machine Learning at the University of Sussex, UK. Prior to Sussex, Novi was a Newton International Fellow of the Royal Society and the British Academy at the Machine Learning Group in the Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge. Novi received his Ph.D. in Computer Science from the Australian National University, Canberra, Australia in July 2012. In 2019, Novi was awarded a European Research Council ERC Starting Grant for a project on developing Bayesian models and algorithms for fairness and transparency (BayesianGDPR).