BCAM is part of ORE4Citizens, an alliance driven by Basque women scientists to bring the potential of marine renewables to the public
- BCAM, TECNALIA, UPV/EHU and EUSKAMPUS FUNDAZIOA, launch a program of free activities for all ages aimed at bringing science closer to the public through marine renewable energies.
- The initiative is supported by more than 15 organizations and companies in the sector, and includes offshore excursions, experiments in centers and schools, and the celebration of Researchers' Night in Portugalete.
ORE4citizens is an alliance driven by Basque female scientists, joined by over 60 researchers and 15 Basque entities, with the goal of promoting science among the public, raising awareness about the effects of climate change on the Basque coast, and highlighting the crucial role of marine renewable energies in combating global warming. Additionally, the initiative aims to showcase the Basque industry's global leadership in this sector and its potential benefits for society and the planet.
This initiative is led by TECNALIA, the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), Euskampus Fundazioa, and BCAM - Basque Center for Applied Mathematics. It is funded by the European Union under the Horizon Europe research and innovation program, and enjoys support from multiple sector entities including Arrecife Energy Systems, BIMEP, Energy Cluster, Basque Energy Agency, Basque Government, Iberdrola, Idom, Nautilus, Saitec, Sener, Siemens Gamesa, Port of Bilbao, Ocean Energy Europe, and WindEurope.
The initiative includes various community and school activities planned over two years in different Basque municipalities. Highlighted among these activities is the OREgaua celebration on the evening of September 27 at the Nautika Itsasgunea building of the University of the Basque Country (Engineering School of Bilbao), in Portugalete, featuring live music, games, talks, and experiments suitable for all ages.
Additionally, there is a school program, OREskolak, where researchers will bring their science into classrooms through talks, experimental activities, and visits to laboratories and facilities developing these technological solutions for harnessing marine energies.
Marine renewable energies in the Basque Country: Climate change poses significant challenges for the Basque coast, both in terms of physical impacts on the environment and socio-economic impacts on coastal communities. It is important to take measures to adapt to these changes and mitigate the effects of climate change in the region. The development and deployment of marine renewable energies contribute to this mitigation effort and represent a key element in the global energy transition in the medium and long term due to their generation potential. At the same time, they represent an industrial, economic, and social opportunity for the Basque Country, compatible with the protection of the marine environment.
This sector is crucial for achieving decarbonization goals in the European Union and is expected to grow fivefold by 2030 and twenty-fivefold by 2050. Currently, teams like SAITEC, Nautilus, or Arrecife are dedicated to developing economically viable and energetically efficient technologies that can compete globally. Some of these projects can be viewed on the initiative's website or in an upcoming traveling photo exhibition in various locations
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