BCAM participates in the Be Basque Talent Conference in Paris

  • 46 Basque companies from different fields met with highly qualified professionals in Paris on 26 October

The 12th edition of the Be Basque Talent Conference, which took place in Paris on October 26th, brought together more than a hundred highly qualified professionals and 46 Basque organisations with the aim of attracting talent to the Basque Country, especially in sectors that are strategic for the region. 

The Basque Center for Applied Mathematics - BCAM was one of the institutions that participated in this event organized by Bizkaia Talent. The center's research line leader in Applied Statistics, Dae-Jin Lee, and human resources manager, Noemi Casero, participated in the conference to meet people interested in BCAM’s work and to show the career opportunities offered by a research center of excellence. In addition to having personal meetings with more than 10 candidates, Lee gave a talk in which he talked about his professional experience as a researcher in BCAM, highlighting the positive aspects of working in "a reference centre and in a multicultural environment".

The conference included a great variety of activities such as an open forum debate, several informative sessions, telematic workshops and networking spaces between professionals and companies. All these activities were aimed at establishing professional links that materialise in the form of employment contracts and business collaborations to promote mobility and the flow of talent, as well as generating economic growth in the Basque Country.