BCAM representatives attend the inauguration of the Basque Cybersecurity Center (BCSC)

  • This organization aims to promote cybersecurity in the Basque Country, and the Basque Center for Applied Mathematics is a member of its committee

The Basque Cybersecurity Centre (BCSC) inaugurated its new facilities in the Alava Technology Park on July 18th. The mission of this organization, designated by the Basque Government to promote cybersecurity in the Basque Country, is to encourage and develop a culture of cybersecurity among the Basque society, to stimulate economic activity related to the application of cybersecurity and to strengthen the professional sector in this field.

The BCSC is made up of the departments of Economic Development and Infrastructure, Security, Public Governance and Self-government and Education of the Basque Government. Its committee also includes the Basque Center for Applied Mathematics - BCAM, and technology centers: Tecnalia, Vicomtech and IK4-Ikerlan.

The president of the Basque Government, Iñigo Urkullu, and the councillors of Economic Development and Infrastructures, Arantxa Tapia; Education, Cristina Uriarte; and Security, Estefanía Beltrán de Heredia participated in the inauguration event. BCAM’s scientific director, Luis Vega, and the researchers from the Data Science area, Aritz Perez and Ekhine Irurozki, attended as well. During the event, Vega was congratulated by the Lehendakari and the Councillors for BCAM's recent achievement of its second "Severo Ochoa" accreditation of excellence.