BCAM, together with the UPV/EHU and THE BILBAO CITY COUNCIL, organizes a new edition of ‘Matemáticas en la vida cotidiana ' on thursdays, april 18th and 25th, and may 2nd and 8th.

  • On behalf of BCAM, postdoctoral researcher Verónica Álvarez Castro will give a talk titled "Can Machines Change Their Minds Over Time?" on April 25th.

The cycle "Matemáticas en la vida cotidiana" returns, organized by BCAM, the Faculty of Science and Technology of the UPV/EHU, and the Bilbao City Council. This year it will take place on Thursdays, April 18th and 25th, and May 2nd and 8th, at 7:00 PM in the Auditorium of the Bidebarrieta Library.

This XXVI edition will focus on highlighting the versatility of mathematics in various aspects of society, technology, scientific research, and art. Since its inception, the aim of the conferences has been to bring mathematics closer to the general public, demonstrating their importance in human history, deciphering their significant societal applications, revealing their deep connections with art and culture, and even sharing their beauty.

The first talk, " Esculturas geométricas con papel y tijera" will be given on April 18th by Dr. María García Monera, who will discuss how advances in technology enable the techniques of Félix Klein (one of the most important mathematicians in history) to serve art and create computer-designed geometric sculptures.

On April 25th, BCAM's posdoctoral researcher, mathematician Verónica Álvarez Castro, will present the conference “¿Pueden las máquinas cambiar de opinión a lo largo del tiempo?explaining how artificial intelligence teaches machines to mimic human behavior and how they must evolve over time.

Professor Eduardo Sáenz de Cabezón from the Department of Mathematics and Computation at the University of La Rioja will deliver the lecture "El espejismo de la mayoría" on May 2nd. He will talk about how mathematics can help understand the collective environment, including social networks.

The last talk will take place on May 8th, led by Dr. Oihana Garaialde. In " Matematikaren zuloak eta zulo matematikoak" starting from classical mathematical theories or principles, the importance of understanding mathematical gaps and how to reach practical applications will be demonstrated.

  •  Admission is free and open to the public until full capacity is reached.
  • If unable to attend, the conferences can be followed via streaming on the Bidebarrieta Kulturgunea YouTube channel.

This cycle is jointly organized by the Bilbao City Council, the Faculty of Science and Technology of the UPV/EHU, and the BCAM - Basque Center for Applied Mathematics. It is part of the annual activities calendar of Bidebarrieta Científica, which includes programs such as the celebration of "Darwin Day" or "Women in Science," aimed at bringing science to the general public in an engaging, rigorous, and didactic manner.

Bidebarrieta Kulturgunea is the cultural space within the Bidebarrieta Library. Among its objectives is the development and promotion of culture, literature, and science.
