BCAM will collaborate in the Master in Mathematical Modelling of the University of Salamanca

  • Researchers from the center will participate in the first edition of the master's degree by giving lectures and supervising final projects

The Basque Centre for Applied Mathematics - BCAM will be one of the collaborating institutions of the new Master in Mathematical Modelling of the University of Salamanca. This degree will provide advanced training in the design of mathematical models and their applications in different fields of science and technology. Its main objective will be to train students to design and develop models that allow them to formulate solutions, using their theoretical knowledge and tools of mathematical modelling.

Researchers from BCAM, which has several groups dedicated to mathematical modelling and extensive experience in this field, will collaborate in the master's degree by giving specialized lectures. Additionally, they will supervise some of the students' final projects.

The collaboration agreement between BCAM and USAL contemplates a visit to the center too, so that the students can get to know first-hand the center’s research areas and its mathematical modelling work. During the visit, they will also be informed about the possibilities of joining BCAM through the internship programme or as doctoral students.

This initiative has emerged from the collaboration that already existed between BCAM researchers and USAL. The leader of the Statistical Physics group at BCAM, Gianni Pagnini, is working together with Mabel Asensio, Professor of the Department of Applied Mathematics at the University, on an R+D+i project about ensemble forecasting of wildfires funded by the State Agency for Research.

Besides collaborating in this degree, BCAM participates in the Master's Degree in Mathematical Modelling and Research, Statistics and Computing; the Erasmus Mundus Master's Degree in Renewable Energies in the Marine Environment and the Master's Degree in Computer Engineering and Intelligent Systems of the UPV/EHU.
