BCAM will offer an advisory service in mathematical modelling for SME and startups in collaboration with the Provincial Council of Bizkaia

  • The aim of this collaboration between the centre and the Provincial Council of Bizkaia is to strengthen the innovation of SME and startups through the transfer of advanced knowledge

The Basque Center for Applied Mathematics - BCAM has signed a collaboration agreement with the Provincial Council of Bizkaia (PCB) to carry out an initiative to increase R&D&I projects in SME and local startups through the transfer of advanced knowledge. This initiative consists of an advisory service in mathematical modelling that has already been set up by BCAM and Beaz, the PCB's public company that offers support to companies and entrepreneurs.

The service has a duration of 3 months and offers participating SME and startups advice and support based on the specialties they need to address in their data diagnostics and fluid dynamic modelling projects. In the field of data diagnostics, advice is offered through advanced statistical analysis, development of predictive models and machine learning techniques. On the other hand, in projects related to the diagnostics of fluid dynamic modelling, help is offered in the definition and development of numerical models, simulation and optimization of processes, and even support in free CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) software.

"In BCAM's data diagnostics service, we intend to help by providing our scientific knowledge and experience from the management and pre-processing of data (a crucial aspect in any data science project) and mainly in the advice for the modelling and development of algorithms that provide value to companies. It is a process that we believe is enriching both for them and for us, as it provides new challenges that allow us to think of innovative solutions and ideas for the development of new methods from real-world application" explains Dae-Jin Lee, coordinator of the data advisory service.

"Data speaks for itself. They give you light and information about the path to follow, how to improve and what new solutions to provide. It is the path of innovation and competitive improvement", adds Olatz Goitia, General Manager of Beaz.

For his part, Imanol Garcia-Beristain, a research technician from the CFD Modelling and Simulation Group, tells how the companies have shown their processes in an open way that has allowed them to get to know first-hand some of the technologies developed in Bizkaia. "From BCAM we have presented them some more advanced mathematical models which they are not currently using, but which are on their way to innovation. Furthermore, as a good knowledge transfer project, they will receive the necessary scientific knowledge so that they can freely modify or build on the models presented. We will not just present them with a result".

Advice on mathematical modelling is provided by members of the BCAM Knowledge Transfer Unit (KTU), who have extensive experience in the fields of Data Science and CFD.  This platform recently promoted by the centre aims to develop mathematical solutions to scientific challenges based on real-life applications and to collaborate with industry to boost fundamental research and knowledge transfer to the business community.