Celebrate Pi Day with the BCAM-NAUKAS event on March 13th

It might be the most famous number in history. The truth is that the number Pi, represented by the Greek letter π, studied by human beings for more than 4,000 years, is one of the most important mathematical constants that exist in the world.

The fascination it has produced for centuries is such that the popular number has its own day in the calendar and in March Pi Day is celebrated all over the planet. One more year, BCAM joins the commemoration of this day by organizing a very special event, dedicated to mathematics.

We are glad to invite you to visit the Bizkaia Aretoa of the UPV/EHU (Bilbao) on March 13 to celebrate the BCAM-NAUKAS event, framed in the 10th anniversary of our center. With the collaboration of the Chair of Scientific Culture of the University of the Basque Country, we will organize mathematical workshops for primary and secondary school students throughout the morning, and a series of short, dynamic and nearby conferences aimed at the general public during the afternoon. This talks which will be given by leading figures in scientific dissemination and some BCAM researchers.

Below, you can see the complete program of the BCAM-Naukas Pi Day. Note that all the activities will be in Spanish:


Workshops for upper elementary and high school students. We aim to bring mathematics closer to the youngest in a playful and attractive way, trying to awaken their interest in this science. The workshops are free and have a maximum capacity of 40 people. In order to attend the workshops previously, the centres must register by sending an e-mail to kzk.ehu@gmail.com with the following information:

  • Name of the workshop in which they want to take part
  • Workshop Schedule
  • Number of participants
  • Name and surname of the teacher
  • School
  • Telephone
  Elementary school EP/LH 5 – 6 High school ESO/DBH 1 - 2 High school ESO/DBH 3 – 4
9:00 – 10:00 SALA ARRIAGA Paπroflexia matematikaz blai (José Ignacio Royo) SALA LABOA Juegos Gigantes (Pedro Alegría – Raúl Ibáñez) SALA BAROJA Fractales fabulosos (Caroline Ainslie)
10:30 – 11:30 SALA ARRIAGA Paπroflexia matematikaz blai (José Ignacio Royo) SALA LABOA Juegos Gigantes (Pedro Alegría – Raúl Ibáñez) SALA BAROJA Fractales fabulosos (Caroline Ainslie)
12:00 – 13:00 SALA BAROJA π, atracción fractal (Covadonga Rodríguez-Moldes y Cristina Montero) SALA LABOA Juegos Gigantes (Pedro Alegría – Raúl Ibáñez) SALA ELHUYAR Math mystery box (euskera) (Nerea Casas)
15:15 – 16:15 SALA BAROJA π, atracción fractal (Covadonga Rodríguez-Moldes y Cristina Montero) SALA LABOA Juegos Gigantes (Pedro Alegría – Raúl Ibáñez) SALA ELHUYAR Math mystery box (euskera) (Nerea Casas)

19:00 - 21:00 BCAM-NAUKAS

These short, 15-minute, dynamic and close lectures will be given in the Mitxelena room. Their aim is to bring closer the fascinating nature of mathematics and to make known, among others, the properties and applications of the Pi number in everyday life.

19:00-19:15: Presentation of the BCAM-NAUKAS event

19:15-19:30: Aniceto Murillo (Universidad de Málaga): “E-pi-logo (Después de esto, mi carrera ha muerto)”.

19:30-19:45: Deborah García Bello (Universidad de A Coruña): “Palo seco”.

19:45-20:00: Paz Morillo (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya): "Matemáticas modernas

20:00-20:15: Pedro Caro (BCAM-Ikerbasque): “Metamateriales, invisibilidad y la capa de Harry Potter”.

20:15-20:30: Luz Roncal (BCAM-Ikerbasque): “El problema de Josefo: cómo las matemáticas pueden salvarte la vida”.

20:30-20:45Alberto Márquez (Universidad de Sevilla): “Pizza y terraplanistas" BCAM-NAUKAS conferences will have open access until full capacity of the venue is reached.

Come celebrate Pi Day with us on March 13 at the Bizkaia Aretoa and enjoy an unusual mathematical day!