Dae-Jin LEE interviewed at La Mecánica del Caracol, Radio Euskadi
- The journalist Eva Caballero, who presents the radio program devoted to the dissemination of science, technology and history, and Raúl Ibañez, who is a professor at the UPV-EHU and conducts a section about mathematics every 15 days, interviewed the BCAM researcher.
Dae-Jin LEE, spoke about his experience as an applied statistician in different areas, in particular in fields related to biomedical applications such as spatial epidemiology for the analysis of mortality risks and the analysis of health-related quality of life (HRQoL). For instance, the use of regression methods for longitudinal data can help clinicians to analyze patterns in patients evolution of a particular disease or treatment. He also pointed out the need to create collaborative interdisciplinary environments between clinicians, physicians and statisticians to conduct excellence in research where each specialist contributes with their scientific knowledge. Finally, he also acknowledged the need for new professionals in the field of Data Science that may contribute to societal advances from basic research and the development of new technologies through an Excellence Research Center as BCAM.
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