Great success of the BCAM-Naukas Pi Day dissemination event
- More than 500 people enjoyed the activities of this day dedicated to mathematics
Last Wednesday, March 13th, the second edition of the BCAM-Naukas event was held at the Bizkaia Aretoa in Bilbao in commemoration of Pi Day. Framed in the tenth anniversary of the Basque Center for Applied Mathematics - BCAM and in collaboration with the Chair of Scientific Culture of the University of the Basque Country, the event offered many activities aimed at the general public directly related to mathematics.
280 primary and secondary students from ten schools enjoyed various workshops on papyroflexia, fractals and other mathematical concepts throughout the morning. In the afternoon, more than 300 people attended the talks given by various speakers and researchers at the Mitxelena Room. All of them brought the fascinating nature of mathematics closer to the attendees in a series of dynamic talks. In addition, almost 200 people followed the streaming of the event through EITB’s website. The videos of the talks (in Spanish) are availiable for those who couldn't attend in the following links:
- Aniceto Murillo (Universidad de Málaga): E-pi-logo (Después de esto, mi carrera ha muerto).
- Deborah García Bello (Universidad de A Coruña): Palo seco.
- Paz Morillo (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya): Matemáticas modernas
- Pedro Caro (BCAM-Ikerbasque): Metamateriales, invisibilidad y la capa de Harry Potter.
- Luz Roncal (BCAM-Ikerbasque): El problema de Josefo: cómo las matemáticas pueden salvarte la vida.
- Alberto Márquez (Universidad de Sevilla): Pizza y terraplanistas
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