Havva Yoldas will defend her doctoral thesis on Friday, October 11th

  • The defense will take place at the seminar room of the Scientific Instrumentation Center at University of Granada, at 13:00 pm

Havva Yoldaş holds a Bachelor’s degree in Mathematics, obtained at Boğaziçi University (Turkey) in 2013, and a Master of Science in Mathematical Modeling in Engineering from the Erasmus Mundus MathMods Programme, an international two years master’s program awarding a joint diploma between University of L’Aquila (Italy), University of Nice (France) and University of Hamburg (Germany).

She joined the Basque Center for Applied Mathematics in 2015 as a PhD student (La Caixa 2014) and her thesis has been supervised by Dr. José A. Cañizo from University of Granada.

On behalf of all BCAM members, we would like to wish Havva the best of luck in her upcoming thesis defense.  

PhD Thesis title: Asymptotic behaviour of some nonlocal equations in mathematical biology and kinetic theory

We study the long-time behaviour of solutions to some partial differential equations arising in modeling of several biological and physical phenomena. In this work, the type of the equations we consider is mainly nonlocal, in the sense that they involve integral operators. Moreover, the equations we consider describe the time evolution of either some populations structured by several traits like age, elapsed-time and size or the distribution of the dynamical states of a single particle, depending on time, space and velocity. In the latter case, they are called kinetic equations. The physiologically structured population models and the space inhomogeneous linear kinetic equations we deal with in this work are well-studied from various aspects in the already-existing literature. What differs from the past plentiful studies on the asymptotic behaviour of these equations is the techniques we use here. We consider a probabilistic approach which is first developed for studying ergodic properties of discrete-time Markov processes. The method is due to Doeblin and Harris; based on establishing a combination of a minorisation (irreducibility) and a geometric drift (Lyapunov) conditions for a Markovian process. This method gives a quantitative convergence speed and existence of a unique steady state even without having to calculate it explicitly. Application of Harris’s Theorem into the aforementioned partial differential equations to study the long-time behaviour of solutions is the core of this thesis.